EptflkofS.Paulto Titus. CHAP.I.2. him: Chrißprefently telleth themoftwelue feats,on which they (hall fir 25 and iudge the twelue tribes ofIfrael , at the appearance ofthe Tonne of man : well knowing, that if this promife were once well digefled , it would fo feede vp their hearts,as they fhould not after bethinke them- felues as oucr(hot, in leaning all things for his fake. Yea further , this courfe will be a fweet conßraint, prouoking men to the imitation of Chriß,and the exprefling ofhis verrues. Whence it is that the Apofiile praytîng God for the faith,and loueof the Coloffans , prefently poin- Cotoft 14. tedi to the naturall mother of thefe vertues,ofwhh they both are bred and fed:for the hopesfsl¿,. (chat is,the gloryhoped for)which is laidvpfor you in heaué.And the fame Apoßle exhorting the Philippi .s not to mind Phi]iP3i0. earthly things,but ro trafficice as thecitizens ofheauen , noteth this the mot+ effeRuall rcafon,becaufe fromheauen they lookcdfor aSauiour,who wouldchange their vilebodie,andmake: it like hù swatglorious 6odte. life. r.Minißcrs muli take heed ofearthly mindednes , not feeking Ministers mufì theirs, but themwho are committedveto their truß : not onely hereby then be++are of to auoide offence, but allo that they may feelingly fpeake of inch points =Cor.x, ,q. asconcerne the fortkingof theworld in affeól'ion,a point moß difficult to learne from themolt fanaiñed teacher. Which courfe if a mintßer take not, long mayhe looke for anharueß, yea, cuco till his eyes falle, but he (hall neuer fee his feede againe: he hach fowne to the winde , and what canhe looketo reape but earthlines,oratheifine anrongß hispeo- ple. For mens minds will be working,and feeling themfclues vpon force pleafurable,end profitable obie &,ifnot vpon that which is truly good, yet at leaß vpon that which is apparantly good;and their hearts can ne- uer be taken offthings belowe, but remaine worldlings tiill,vnleffe we fhewe them better treafures elfewhere,and chat in filch feelingmanner, as they may thinke we fpeake in carnet+. And againe,if they without this do&rine be fuffered, like the Sadduces , to include all their hopesand delires in this life , no other fruits canbe expected , but open Atheifine, and contempt ofGod. Ife. 2. People muß conceiue , that now in the minißerie they are called to the beginnings of the heauenly life.For wemaynot thinke that the theLord meanethonely tomanifeß his loue hereafter in heauen to be- iercil¡t,nrt leering foules: but (as louedefirechprefent communìcatión,and vnion which pullrh with the thing loved) fo the Lord entreth intoprefent league with fuch tohcauen.rth as he ßriketh his euerlaßing couenantwithal & neuer marrieth himfelfe vnto any foule,in that indiffoluble wedlocke,withwhomhe c6tra6leth not himfelfe even herevpon earth.And feting theGofpell in the mini- aerie ofit.is the Lords loue.leteer:euery one in the hearingofthefeglad tidings muti fay to his foule, this is the fuice,and offer ofGod vnto me, cal-