Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epif>sleofS. PaultoTitus. CHAP. 1.2. ritance onely by adoption and promife, and not otherwife. In likeman- 31 ner, the earthly Canaan was called the land ofpromife, not only becaufe Deut.& ryaa. it was long before promifed to Abraham and his pofieritie, many of whom for many generations onely foenjoyed it : but àlfo becaufe thofe that were brought to the poffe[Iion of that good land , had it not for their owne worthineffe:they were charged to bewareof fuch thoughts; for God gauc them this power byflablifhinghis couenant with them ; fi- Eph.ht3. guring vnto vs no other thing, but that this 6leffed refl prepared for the Htbg,. people ofGod( the truth of that fhadowe) is held in noother tenure but by vertue of thepromife, neither here nor hereafter adde hereunto that what focuergrace the Lord powreth into the hearts ofthe ele&, they all (beeing notónely fleppes and degrees , but pawnes alfo and pledges ofeternal! life) looke out voto the promife: faith apprehendeth it,hope expe&ech it,loue thankfully entertaineth it;yea,& all the re(i are quick-'' tied and flrengthnedby it. Nay in this regard, the holy fpirit of God from whom thefe fireames ofgrace doe Howe, is called the fpirit of pro- wife, not onely in that he was promifed to beleeuers, as loch a. 'will powre out myfpirit : but allo becaufehe fealeth vp unto their hearts , the certeintieofthis maine promife touching their faluation. Obiefl'. But life eternall is called a debt. Anfat. lc is fo ofhis promife, ' { áYao 7 en- not ofour deferr. Herodias craned lohn Baptifis head as her due,but not I. de. becaufe by daunting fhe had deferued it; but becaufe ofthc Kings pro- bicóremfeciq Y a g p , Auttfl. mife.And that thefe promiles are free,may appeare in the fir(i and twine giuen to Adam, when hewas farce fromdeferuing it , in whomwas no- thing tomomie to the Lord,but to the cleane contrarie. Tfe. t. Whofoeuer pretend any other title to the inheritance he- Then not by fides the promife ofGod, are ofthe bondwoman ,andifmaelitesdefcea- dcfart ding ofAgar. The Apolile (heweth hewwe receiue the promife of the fpirit [that is, freedome from the law,finnc,death, hell,and damnation] Ga1.3. 4. namely , through faith: here is no merit, but faith taking hold, Which condemneth that arrogant do&rive Ofthe Churchof Rome, who will haue life eternall repaied to the merit ofworkes, for their condignitie: ora.g Heau which is al onewith the rcnouncingof thepromife ofmercie,and to flie madeifetbee for releefeveto the iuflice of God. Whereas the wholenewTefiament worker,not co drawethvs from that legal righteoufnes, and fuffereth vs not tobehold thchiowea o our befi workes,but God the promifer,and Chrifl themediator,and our but for Cling birth, which brings our inheritance, and ourfeines thegifts of righte- borhti,nPicy, his oufneffe and remit-lionof finnes,onely receiuers:and in the matter ofour andworke arc iuffification before God,meere patients,and no agentsat all. accepted. Ole. 2. The ßrength ofour hope flandeth nor vpon merits,buc vpon leane vponmc. this fame promife; which confuteth another Popifh error, that to hope ri , bur e,e promi$. with-