Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Char.Z.x. _ -43Commentarie vponthe 582 no fuck thing. 2 z.. Itreacheth vs foftneffe in our whole conuerfation and exercife of our perfonall and general! callings:it fufferethnot theMagiflrare to be fo Herne, that an inferiour fhould come tohim, as aman that were to bring a bottle to anelephant, whichhe is afraidof: which timidityAu.. gutlos reprooued in apetitioner.It fuffereth not the Minifler tobe lord- , ly in his dodtrine or difcipline, but compatfionate,andtender inboth,It fuffereth not theFather or Mailer tóbe a lyon in hishoufe, but caufeth them to gouerne tweedy, and to difpence feuericie, andwaigh out cot- reElion as phyficke to the childrenand feruat.rs. 3. It teacheth mien the fuperiour toyeeld fore part of his right to Gco. 3.o his inferiour,as Abraham co Lot; Ifthou take theright hand, Imilt turne to the left :-nay asChritl himfel febeeing God and Lord ofall, yet for peace, Matth.tys7 -fake, and toauoideoffence, did pay tribute vetoCæfar. Further, howneceffarie a vertue this is, cannot but appeare ro him that confidereth.how ftaile our flefh andblood is, how full ofinfirwi- ties, how lyingopen to offences, how needefull ofmuch forgiuene(fe at Gods hand andmans : andyet no forgiuenefie at Gods hand , but on, condition of our forgiueneffe of men, for to is thepetition in the Lords prayer: not at mans , for what meafureyemette out to men, fhallmen mea- Matth.y.s4 fore royouagaine. How fweete a grace it is appeareth alto, in that it preferueth the outwardpeace ofaman,& elpecially the peace ofa good confcience,that he can pray with a good heart, & with cheerfulnes per- forme good duties towards God and men : in that alfo it winneth mens hearts to aman, andmaketh his good name like a Tweet finelling oynt_ ment ; and in that it fo muchtendeth to the honourof Gods name, as in doth,by drawingmany to the loue & embracingof the Gofpel of God, which they fee is fo pure, fo innocent, and fo peaceable.. And hence it is e'p'4'r" that Paul would haue this grace tobeknowne, and manifefled to allmen for thisend.Let fo many therefore as profeffe the Gofpel of peace,here-- by (lime themfelues the tonnes ofpeace: and becaufe many (inne not only indoing,but in not fuffering wrong,let vs beware ofpinching and wringingmen byextremity, as fuchas are refolued not to pocket the leali iniury,noryeeld an inch of ground ; but if the offence be neuer fo lictle,are bent to make men heare of it againe,on both fides (as we fay,); here is fpirit indeede , but ofpride and malice, and that fpiric that be.ar- eth rule in theworld,and formes ofdifobedience.. Some men areof fuchmaligne con(litution,as that theyhaue nothing in their hearts,headsor lippes ,but lawe and iuftice:euery trifle , eue- ryword,euery petty iniury fendeth them before the Magiarate, for re- uenge againfl Toth as perhaps are very defirous ofpeace,fatisfactìion,and agree -,