EpiJFleofS. PaadtoTittle. Cx*A3.z. ofgrace,as they come,behind them in flora of outward things : but let 587 thistext.teach vs , how vnbefeeming it is for a Chrinian tobe churlifft to theworll,weakeff,andwon able&And let the motiues beeffeéìual! to perfwadeto the general!pra&ife of this duty. t._ It is a grace veryacceptable to God. The Apoffle Peter wifheth Moth., to women sodeck! themfelues herewith ; which as a precious garment, will meatus. bring them into reputationwith God, as their ordinary moll cooly at- i k tyre makech them bewtifull, and fetter!) them out before men : neither r'ieC'31' ïs it Co peculiar a garment to the woman , as theman altomay not put it on, for it ferueth not to diffinguifh the fex as bodily clothing, but corn-' mendeth euery foule poffe(fìng it veto God, ofwhorn not male nor fe- male, but a newcreature is refpe&ed. 2. It is an effentiall marke ofa Chriftìan,who ought herein toimitate his Lord Iefus, whofor the fame 2 pupae became afpeciall fchoolemaflerof it, Learnt ofinee, for iani .u.:o. lowlyand meeke: i.ofheart, z.offpeach,when hee was teuiled,he re uiled not againe, but fometimePaid nothing at all ; and when he fpake j howmeekly receiued he the greatenwrongs appeares, Iob. 8. z ;. If I !tau: cud fpoften , beare witneffe of the euill , but ifnot why fmitefiz thou wee? 3. ofatlion, he wasas a Cheep dumb before the (hearer. This was I the SanneofGod, on whom the fpirit lighted in the fimilitude of an innocent doue ; and euen we to teflifie our Celtics the foones of God, mull in the praelifeof this grace, after a fort, manífe(+ the lightning of Gods fpirit vpon vs. To this purpofe the Scriptures hencedenominate the righteous, and make it atitle of the inn: Zeph. z. 3. Seelee the Lordall themeeá`eof the earth. 3. Thebleflings intayled into it fhould lama.tt, moo.ue vs to the pra6life ofit, i.fpirituall, God will teach none but the meeke,Pf,l.25. neither can any !carne ofGod but the wecke: and therefore Ismes willed) vs , to hearewith meehenefe the engrafted word: without it prayers will be interrupted , or not accepted : and therefore themeeke arecommanded to leeke the Lord. z. Temporal! keying:, euen all outward profperity fo farce as God feeth good , for this is the bleífednefheofthe wecke, that they fhall inherit theearth. And in dales rrat;,,t, of difireffe and times of lirairneffe and atflielion, they than be laie: Mat;;,S,S for the Lord hathpromifed to hide them in theday of hiswrath Zeph. 2.3. Verf. ;. Forwe ourfelue.ralto were in timerpafi,vnwife,difobedient, decei- ued,feruing the Iufs and dicerfe pleafurer, Cuing in malicioujises and enuie,bate full,and hating one.an other. This verle layeth down aweighty reafonwhetby our Aponte would bow and bend the tninds ofChrinian men, to the pra&ife ofthe former vertues,namely, ofequity, lenity, long fuffering, and meeknes towards all