EpijldeofS. Pad to Titter. CHAP3.3. Gentiles, hevfeth 3ImOa throughhi difcourfe no other argument to keepe theGentile from infulting andpriding himfelfeouei the Iew but this fame:The Iewes now beleese nor, nor base obtainedmercie, no more in time pall didios Gentiles beleese nor bad obtained mercie: Againe, the Iewes arebrokeoff; fo may you-Gentilesbe , for of your felues you and do fatter then they did, bee not therefore high minded but flare. Secondly, This confiderationnot only fubdueth that violent affeeti- onof pride, but worketh the heart to fuch affeéuiós as not onlybefeeme our felues but befit theoffender, and theft are two. 1. for time prefent pittie,& compafíìon.z.bope for time to come. The former ofthefe two is a fitter affeaion for aChrifia then anger or wrath againa thevncóucr- ted.I-lovv forceable that argument is tomoouevs to the workes of mer- cy and loue towatds the bodies of men, in that they are our fle/h appea- reth , Ifa. 55, y. Thou (halt not hide thy felfe from thine ownefie,/h, but bring thewanderer to thyhoule , couer the naked , deale thy bread to thehungry : andyet much more hence n1til we put on the bowels of mercy towáid the foules of men,by letting their mifery intoour hearts, that ourvery bowel'smay yearne , as if their condition were now (as once it was) our owne. And ifwe muff fo farce pitty our neighbours beat, yea our enemies, that when we fee it(ailevnder the burthcn we mutthelpeit vp, ought we not much more help to beare his owne bur- den, and fo fulfill the law of Christ? This affeólion would let men a.. bout other worke, then talkingof, ielling at, or ciifgracing men for their falls and (lips, which (efpecially in a profeffor) is meate,,and inn- rick to-the (corners; who herein iuflly prouoke the Lord togiue them- felues vp to-fearefull fins, and fo be the kill reproaches and by-words of men.No,this compaffon would caufe them let hand to help themout of the fnare,to counfell, topray for , nay let the heart on bleeding rather then reioyfing in their frnne : he were rather a montier then a man, that could fee a man take a fall to the breakingof his backe or necke, andcould turne it into a ieß; or a man wound himfclfe deadly, and he makebut a meriment ofit :no the lead droppe of humanity would help vp the former,and thruft inCome napkin to stanch theblood of the lac- ter:hath nature taught thee fuch duties to the body of man,and haß thou no grace to take to heart the hurts ofhis foule ? The fecondaffeu`lion wrought by this confideration ofcommon con- ditió,is hope feir time to corne,which is another fpeciall motiue to allay impatience towards offapders. Was not m y felfe as hopeleffe once , and in timespafl as defperately gone in finfull wages; but now recalled and' brought to the fellowlhip ofthe grace of God ? fo God may haue his 589 aom.n,3°, s Wemuft picie,? ;',",`r á.bM more our bro. them 3 tints.