Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpiJle o' S. Paull*Titia. CHir.r. thole onely (hall ref+ inr the holy mountable, that fpeake the trurhfr-om 39 their hearts: and they alone (hall (+and with the Lambe on mount Sion, rfat.,s. and úng the new font before the throne, who hauenoguilefoam! in their ftt,,,i45, paouthes. `.'oftr.3. The lea generalsobferuation outofthe former words tea- Gods grace is eheth, what an infinite and free loue the Lord enibraceth his eleél with- t¡`ß'g,; d`dhere all: in that hedecreeth from euerlaling whatfoeuer he doth for them in tort moit free. the due feafon of it. Hence it is , that not onely in this place, but tho- rough the Scriptures we may read, that all the (ìaires wherebywe climbe to heauen, were laid by God before the worldbegan. Ifwe looke at Gods predeflieation and ele5ion, the namesare written in the booke oflife from cuerlaaing :facob was l cued, not onely before heehaddor;egood, but be- tom.o.ta fore heiras to doe ir. If to theode, which is the kingdome, that la re. paredfrom the foundations ofthe world. Ifto the meancs , which is Chrifl, a`ths534. he is the Jambe flaine from the beginningoftheworld : both t. in regard of (Thrift ¡Lin&b Gods counfell ; and a. oldiepromife CO Adana: and 3. ofthe efficacy of thebgi n his death, the facing power ofwhich was the fame to all beleeuers,ye- flerday, today, :ndforester : and thus euen Abrahamfsw hidday. If to the x,b.,3.a. Gofpel, which is a peculiar doé?rine concerning Chria, it is called an e. Ioh.8s6. rernal(Gofpell: not that it s'.a eternally preached , for it was a my(ìerie kept fccret,lince the world began, Rom.r6.ag.but 1. becaufe is procee- ttrar;F. deck from the eternall counfell ofGod : 2. it contained) the words of e- c°(Pct eternal for came,. ternall life: and 3. it remaitteth for all ecernitie. Finally,if toour effeftu- all vocalise by this word, yea and our whole faluatian: hegate vs ofgrace and purpofe, faluation ande(fehivall vocation before the worldbevy: that 2.Tim.3.9, is, in his counfell anddecree. VJ.. t. Hence we ice , that thPcpi(h doarine of iu(},fication by Nof,eor workes,was preuetited corn before the world began. For it God laid all works furefeen the degrees clout blr{lednefle vp in himfelfe, before the world : much asmotiu,a, - more before we were in the world: who fecth not that all our faluation is freely comming veto vs, both in the promife,and execution , or ac- compii(hment of it, not according to our r:orkes, but according to the good pleaiiure ofhis ?viii? If it be here alledged, that Gad in eleoling vs óVtel.s. forefaw our faith andworks,and therefore eleaed vs.The anfwer is,that sot, that is vnfound; feeing faith in Chri(ì is a fruit and effe&ofete6tion,aot goingbefore, but following after it. Whence `Paul faith, that God had mercie onhim ( not besaufe he forefawe that he would be faithful!) but that he might befaithfull. And wewere eleefed before the foundation of ,.Tima.n.,,, the world, thetwefhouldbe, holyandwithout blame. If yet it be faid, that Fkc°r" ph :.},reaisd Godmight as well forefee the faith and works ofhis clef as their fauna- atfo Act.13ps. tion: I anfwer, he did forefee themas meataes and wales which himfelfe C 4 prepared