Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHar.3.3. (-.lCoennoentarie vpon the 5go time for this man,whofeworks and thoughts areyet againf him; far he went that neuerreturned, he that could change Sauls heart in themidil ofhis rage to make a Paul ofhim,can turne his heart alfo:hé that could make ofOuefimus arut agate & fugitiue feruant, a faithful brother,can bring this man backe the fame way he is gone:he that made his hart,can mend it at hispleafure:I mutt not giue himouer as hopeles,feing he that had mercy on my felfe, may silo haue mercy on him. We beare many weaknefies and toyes in children, becaufeour fettles were fo once , and our hope is that time will outweare them,euen fo muff Prong men with babes in Chrift; and older Chriftians with fuch as are in their vnfiaied heare. The reafon is as good, our fettles were fuch, and they may come to be stronger andolder in Chriti then our !clues are. 1,1 another V.R. t In feeinganother mans finne euer labotir to fee thine owne, mansweaknes r_e thine owna. let his weaknes be thy glaffe to view thine owne. Thou feeft another drinke to exceffc,and drunkennes,by the wet or the dry:fay with Phara- Gen.4r.4. ohs butier,oh,Icall In] finne toremembrance this day.Thou hearef+ another fweare,curfe,rayle,and blafpheme: oh the timewas that my felfe could ció no other: thou fee(l another fall Tomeother way,flill bringchine eies home and look to thine owne (landing. Rebuke ants. z.Alwaies coudemne thy neighboursvice as though they were thine thus itwer titian f own,takevp the fire Pone ágainfi thine owne felfe'and fn; call out thine it ere thine own, owsebeamefarff;and thus confidering thy felfe,thou wilt proceedby the "'at`h'7'5' fpirit ofmceknes. Here is both the right beginning and proceeding in reformation;whereas the forgetfulnesofamans own elate in time pat+, hindreth the wife refpeet ofanothers for the prefent. The theife on the Luk.a;.4o, crof9'e implieth in his reproofeof his fellow, that ifhe had confidered that himielfe was in thefamecondemnation he could not almofi with his foule and life haue breathed out fcoffes againf+Chrt(l, 3,We fee hencehow the Lord Would haue vs look vpon our fins and meu.Leteueryrebraneeof ! old e(late :natialy,to the humblingofbur (clues and the good of our bre-' (inne be a run. thren.Fòr the6r(l,euery new remembrance ofany fin fhould be a frefh tine CObewaae bleeding wound inour foules; a falte heart it is and woe vnto it, that ft in thy felfe, andpitie it in can with newdelight thinke and fpeake ofold finnes , for there theCelle others, fameaffection andvile lull which brought on that finne is yet aliue,and vnmortified. For the latter,euery fuch remembrance fhould mooue vs tocotnmiferanon to our brethren offending. Alas, why fhould not I be meeke to others, if I had no reafon elfe, myowneefiate minifireth a multitude : I was in times pa(l as bad as any, the child of wrath afwell as any other. Iffor the prefenc there be a change, by grace I am all that I am,and for the time future my Celle may be tempted, and am as fubie& to fall as any éther: thus 1 .vas,and then I wouldhaue bin borne withal: ' that 1