Epifile ofS. PadtoTinta. CHnt.3.3. that thus I am not,it is the Lord that bath fepárated me : and now I fee i 591 what hand it is that keepeth mefrombeefing led and left in temptation. Thus ifwe behold our (inne wemay fucke, fóme fweet out of poyfon, andout ofour euil,take occafion to growbetter all our daies,furrhering our felues thereby towalke humbly before God , and meekly towards our brcthren:otherwife to behold finnepai3,and neither ofthereprouo. ked,prooueth but an idle beholdingofit , and becommeth an hurtfull fearer ofthe confcience in the end. Dour. a. Whofoeuerare called rnto the faith, haue experience ofa i whofaeaeri double elate in themfelues , one in time pall, another for the prefent,' canedvntothe the oneofnature,the other ofgrace;our Apolileaffirmed) it ofal belee- Pp< eoctef, uers,of which there is none but he had his once , his timepafi,in regard ohangeinhim. ofwhich he may nowbe Paid tobe changed into another man , Rom. 7, retie. 5.6. The time was when the Romans were in the fle/h when finnefull motions had force in themvntodeath; and therewas an aftertime when they weredeliveredfrom the !awe; , and ferued God not in the oldnefe of the letter, but in the neweneffe of fpirit : Ephef. z. 3. eflmong rvhame, the Gentiles we beleeuers had our conuerfation in timepaff: Colof.5.7. Wherein lee walked alfa once, but now, eyc. e. Cot, 6. i t. eArndfuch were fume ofyou , but yee are wafhed. And good reafon there is, that he that is now beloued,fhould fee that once he was not beloued , and that he who now is in the (?areofgrace, (hould fee that he was once in the (lateof wrath afwell asothers, which will caufe him to lone much: and indeed theele6l couldnot beeleél, nor iu(lified, nor wafhed ,if they were alwaies the children ofGod,andwere it not for this once, and time paß, wherein therewas no difference between them, and the reprobate, but only-inGods counfell and poffibility of calling. I adde further,that the conuerredmay andmull haue experience of this change : for the conuerfion ofa finner, is a miracle aboue all naturals wonders: and therefore(except in fome Ieremie,IohnBaptifl,and fore few fandiified from the wombe) is no fuck infenfibie thing as cannot bee perceiued.. It is no fuch natural change as is effeóled by infenfible degrees,as when be that was a child is now become aman : but a fupernarurall change by, the fpirit ofgrace, fuch as when a man isborne into the wotld, or when a blind man is retlored to his fighr,or rather a dead man onto life,which are things ofmuch note, and manifefl alteration , andthat ofthe whole man. Againe, faith it is which as an internall inilrument purgeth the Augtan fiable, andpurifieth the foule cage of the heart : now this we may know,and mull examfne whether webe in the faith or no:lZnowyenot that Chrtß it in you, vnleffeye be reprobates? and,' .Cor.3. a 6. Knowyee not thatyee are the Temple ofGod,and thatthefpirit éfGod dwelletb inyou ? and Rom.