Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

C..HAP.3.3. c...4 Commentarie vpon the I r -59- 9- Rots.6.u.Knowyee thatye are deadtofinne , 6ttt are A1iue to God in lç f to Cbrifl our Lord. H .w to come T/fe. t. Labour to find this change in thy felfe , and examine whether ¡ ``'` Lntc "f thou cantl put difference betweene time all and time relent for o- this chanyc. P p f , therwife I tee not but thou mull fee thy felfe dowse without comfort, as _ it one that bath no found proofe ofthyconned-ion. Quell. But how (ball I come to any diflin knowledgeof chis change in my fclle? Anf.En- quire and choke fearch whether thou cantl find the life of grace in thy foule; for before this change thou wail dead in trefpaffes and fins. Hach then the powerful' voice ofChri(I called thee out of thy graue? hath he breathed the breath of life into the face of thy foule? hall thou thy fpiritual! fences redored thee ? are thineeyes opened thàrthou cant fay 2 with theblind man; One thing I knowe , that whereon. I w414blind, now I Am fare I fee? bathhe Paid Ephata to thine cares, that now they are be- come the other fence offpirituall illumination,and vnderflanding?doll thou fauour the things of God? Is the word Tweet to thy call ? doll thou feele the prickings of theLaw, and the lenitiues of the Gofpel? furely if thou hail any true fenceofGod thouart not altogether deli- tuce.ofthe life ofGod. Againe, examine thy motion', which is ano- ther infeparable companió ofl fe,euen in things that want fence: name- ly, whether thy cogitations, motions,fpeaches,adlionspublikeand pri- uate bechanged, and haue a new quality vpon them; whether they are now holy, fpirituall,heauenly,frui 'full, whereas before thy change thou wall in all chefe led by the commidand intliná of the flesh. Cana thou pray in faith, and crie in affurance, Abba, Father? this is allo a figheof the prefenceof the fpirit , which is the carnet' pennie of thy adoption; whereas before this change thou fledfl from theprefence of God , and tookehim for thine enemy. Doll thou loueGod for himfelfe , and thy neighbourfor Gods fake? this will be as the heate ofa Hone in fummer, whichargueth the tbining of the funne : whereas before this change thou hatedll God, &'oiled thy neighbour either not at all,or but in car- nall refpeóls.Is thy heart etlranged from theworld,thehonours,profics, andpleafures ofit? this change maketh the woman at the well forget her waterpot; whereas before , thyheaven was here vpon earth, thy trea_ lure here, and fo thy heart all'''. Doch the ChurchofGodand the num- ber ofGodspeople acknowledge this change in thee ? for this is not to be contemned, feeing that hardly canthe child flue in thewomb and not turre, or Ilirrebut the mother (hall perceiue it; takeknowledge there- fore what goodmen conceiueof thee, and by thefe notes examine thy fellevrpartially,& thou [halt come to know,whetherthou art begotten ofimmoual feed,borne into the ChurchofGod,and called to the Clare both 3 flaunty mo cons.