Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpiReofs.Parvi loTttra. bothofgrace and glory. O6iett. Some will here fay, alas , Inow feare that I know not what this change tneaneth, I haue good delires to doewell, to loue God , to auoid finne, todo good togood men,and yet I find little chauge of my felfe from that I was tong ago. A.tfw. Here two forts ofmen are to be refpeiled.The former fort are fuch as are call vpon a drunken fleep,and fecurely paffetheir daies in a courfe which indeed abandoneth all godli- neffe, and conceiue that a dud' life will goe for good payment before God, as it only carrieth the report of honelly among men; and that good meaningsand harmeles lining, is Chriftianity inough : in this de- lufion doe they dangeroufly fleep on the toppe ofthe mafie, not once dreamingoftheneceiîìrtie of any change , although their righteoufneffe neuer came neare the righteoufneffe of the Scribes and Pharifes. But theft are to know, that although they gallop not fo fall to hell as folne others before them,yet to hell for the prefent they tend : it bering a lure thing,that vnleffe they be other then they were in time pall , they fhall neuer fee heauen. The fecond fort are fuch as fee indeed better things, but follow the worfe;they content to the law that it is good,and in their inner man are delighted with it, but by the tyrannie of finne,and domi- nion ofthe flefh, the lawe ofwhich is prefent with them, are drawne un- to euill, and follows the call of manifold lulls : yet becaiCe they hate the euill theydoe, andpreferue in them a firifebetween flefh and fpi- rit, which fpirit dill refifleth even where it cannot preuaile, chele may efpie a change in themfelues from that they were when the firong man kept thehold, and all things were at peace. And if they find not fuch a through change ofthe whole man as they delire, they are perhappes in the beginnings ofgrace, or in the times oftemptation, and mull waite Gods leifure in their further freedome ; or elfe let them timely bewaile their fecurity and.fluggifhnes,which bath Ceded them on the lees offuch corcuptions,as they ought long fince tohaue parted from,and not fodo- ing are iufllybereaued of their prefent comfort, Thus for the fakes of thefe,I haue difiòlued that obieélion. Vfe. 2. Hence may many a one Jeanne, what to thinke of himfelfe: Some profeffe they loue God withall their hearts,and haue tuer fodone lince they can remember : they alwaies belecued in Chrifl , and neuer doubted but they were euer deare untoGod. But all this is nothing but a deceitful) skinning ouer the fores of their foules, withpeace, peace; whereas the cafe that was euer fo good , was neuer good at all : no, if thou canal not remember the time pall. when thy Hate was worfe then naught, Icon neuer be perfroaded that it is good for theprefenr.An dell once thou wa(i,an hater ofGod, and enemy to righteoufneffe, and if CHAr.3.3. 593 Comfort la rhofe that truly delire to tecle it but cannot;