Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Crtnr.3.3. S96r.Co dmr8,k. ohs{it4s1vvr, The enurteof the vneonuer red is an vnwife walkin , . z:. PGl,ttt.ta connmartarie Vona/Jr ranke of thole men, vpon whomPaul affirmed, that theyneither knew the thingsofGod, nor couldknow thew. Difobedient ,] This fecond degreeof corruptionof minde , (heweth that we .arenot oncly ignorant, but froward in the things of God, and fuch as will not be perfwaded, as the word it the originali foundeth;and this is nothing elfe but a peruerfe difpoucion which fighteth againui the truth.-Which a little better tovnderf}and, we mua knowe, that before our fall, the mind of man had two faculties about the truth of God : a. the knowledge of it fo farre as was mete. a. an ,sfens approouing that knowledge. In ffcad ofwhich are fucceeded two contrarie corrupti- ons fince the fall : r, darkeneffe in (lead of that light of knowledge. a. frowardnes or reafoning againft it. For example, when the vnderdan- ding of man vnconuerted, conceiueth fomethingofthat we deliuer out of the word, whereas it fhould affent veto the lawe that it is good and the Gofpel that it is the arme of God veto faluation ; the wifedome of the fiefhon the contrarie, it becomrneth enmitie to all this : it can finde euafions to fhift off the curie ; it can couenant with hell, anddeath.And for theGofpel, it is toone fooli(hnes, to an other offence: Pauls preach- ing fhall be countedmadnef%; or malice,or fomethingels which That be reafon and warrant inongh to contemne it. Deceiuedj This is the third degree of corruption of minde, and a confequent of the former. It is a word borrowed from travellers, that arc in awrong way; that goe bygeffe, which they mull needs doe, who neither knowe the way, nor will knowe it; who are out and will not bee called in. And thisnoteth afurther miferie then before ; namely, that men are naturally refolued in by- pathes, delight in their wandrings , and haue no delight to heare of the pathof life e- ternatl. `Dolfr. I. Out of the fira degree of the miferieof our mindes, wee learne what is the coutfe ofvngodlyand vnconuerted men ; namely , a foolifhand vnwife walking. That which the Lord fpcakethof Ifrael, is true of euery naturali man, 04:20421e isfoalifh, they hastenot knownemee, theyarefool children, t hey are wife todoe coil!, but to doe well they knownot: the fame confirmeth theApoale,Eph.e.t g.tvalke not as vnwife,(namely, as ye did before your calling) but at wife-And ifthe knowledgand feare of God be thebeginning of wifedome, howcan Inch as arewithout Gods teachingever be wife towalke in the wayesof Faluacion ? We account loch as want and are deflituteofnaturall knowledge in outward things, no better then fooles: and (hall chofegoe for wife, who haue not one fparkle of fpirituall knowledge, which is a farre moreprecious wifdom then theother ? If they be deemed Pimple foolifhmenwho care not to wrong,