Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epafrrle ofs. Pan / toThus. wrong &hurt their bodies, much more may fuchas dcprue their foules of fpirituall foode, raiment , yeaof eternall life it felfe. Ii chofe who would exchange gold for a counter; much more filch as thinke it a good bootie togainea fmall portion of theworld with the loffe oftheir fouls. If they be fooles whommen fo efteeme, much more whom the Lord fo fiylech ;as euery where the naturali andvngodly man;and this not for one or two foolifh a&ions:for thus the beft,euen Dauidhimfelfe confeffeth, that fometimes he doth very foolifh),but for that his whole courfe is the pra&ife ofnotable folly. And that wemay fee this truth in force inftances, we will note force maine propertiesot folly, and fee whether they are not mofi naturali to euerie natural! man. The i.mainepropertie of looks and filly bodies is, that they know not theend oftheir liues, whyGod made them and put them into this world : euen fo aske manymen why God did infpire the breathof life on their faces; how fewe would glue this dire& anfwer, that by glorify- ingGod in my calling, I might be lead to abetter lifehereafter.Ask ma- ny aman concerning heauen,and earth,and lea, &other fenfible things, and they will glue force fenfible anfwcrs, as that the earth was made for manand beall to liuevpon, the lea for flub andnauigation, the ayre for man and beats tobreath in,the Sunne,Moone,and (lures for lighr,heat, and comfort; the beafis, fifties, foules, &c. for man : but why thy felfe ? fewefi would fay for God, but ifthey fpeake true, force for themfelues, force for their family,force for their pleafures, force for wealth, or force baler ende, to which fuch a noble creature as man is fhould be deflina- ted. The fccondpropertie of folly is, that as fooles hue for the prefent time,if they canget meat,drinke,íleepe,cloathes,and neceffaries for the prefent, they forcea(i nothing to come : euen fo vngodly men, if they can get wealth, and lay vp things prefent for many yeares to come, they dreame ofnoother heaucn, theyforecaft noday of death, nor judge- ment; but oh foole,what if thy foule be taken away this night? this was that which that foole thought not of: and as of theirowne,fo they fudge ofall other mens felicitieby things prefent:into which follyDauid him- felfe was fliding,when he confefit:rh himfelfe as ignorant as abeajt in this point, vnti1l hewent into le SanEtaarie. The third propertie is, fooles are indocible, and incorrigible; fo the natural! man put him to fchoole, helearneth nothing by the booke of the creatures, nor of the Creator in the Scriptures. Let God the great fchoolema1 er whippe him,and bray him in the morte; ofhis judgments, he is a foole fill, he leaueth not his old tvonts, T.. CHAr.3.3 597 2S11144..1r. Themaine pm- perties of fmlly molt uatural to the naturali man, I Pfal.y;.fE. 3