CI r. ;.3,. ACammeMarie uponthe 598 The fourth propertie, fooles are fo wife in their ownconceits,as they q, will abideno counfcll; the natural' man is wirer in his owne eyes then feauen men that can giue a reafonnel him finne is a dangerous edgtoole, he maketh a mockeof fine , he ietleth and plaieth the foule with fire- brands and deadly things: fo with him toforfake' and denie his owne wayes of finnefuli pleafures, vnlawfull profits,co takevp his croffe, and followeChrill; no, he hath ancafier and broader way, he liketh no fuch precife courfes. In all thefe regards, may we not truly fay, of every vn- conuested man, vaine man wouldbewife, though man neweborne W likea lobfix. wild affecolt : for of inch Zophar fpake the truth, though he wrong ap_ plyeditvinolob; and too much of thefe follies are bound vp in the hearts of Godschildren themfelues, vntill the rods of correótion driue it our. vfe. We are hence taught, how todeeme and lodgeof the elates ofmen ; lookeinto their courfes, if they be wife for their foules and life eternal', making that their manic (cope andend,then are they trulywife indeed ; Wife Merchants they onely are, and fell alto buie the field, & thetreafure hid in it : wife virgins onely are they, that make lure of oile of grace in their lamps, and that in due time, whatfoeuer come ofother things. Trueit is that men efleeme thefe of all.other filly creatuves,and (imple men, voidofall prudence and forecatl in their affaires ; that con- taine their thoughts within compail'e,and dare not flretch their wits and c.onfciences for gaine, as others canidoe ; but yet they haue chofen the better parr, they haue gotten Chrill, who is made/heir wrfedome, in whom they haueall their debts difcharged,and al comfortable fupplies, yea fuèh treafures as the richefl Indian mines affoard not ; treafures of wifedome, ofgrace, of life, and happiges euerlafling. ()thrice bleffed is that Ci ritlian foule, who hath attainedthis wifedome, happie is that man that can fay,I was oncevnwife, but now with thanktulnes I cannot but acknowledge the goodhand ofmy God vpon me, in whole light I' fee light, z. Let this perfwade euery man, to breake from the bands of his. owne folly,and vfe the meanes tocome by this wifedome:-get wifdome once, thou haft gotten enough;begge wifedome of Godwith Salomon,. thou (halt haue wifedome, and wealth, and euery good thing more then. thou askefl; for riches and glorie are in her left hand , end. lengthof dales: Prou.3n0. in her right, andall her patherareprofperitie: and hauing onceattained this wifedome, lay her in thy bofome, and make much ofthis deare dau ghter ofGod. And as for chofe who want ir, be ameanes.if thou cana, . to communicateit vnto them,at leaf} by godlyexample and prayer;and forget'notourApofilesfcope; fuffer withmeek¿éneffe the contrary min- ded,, Who arewifft men. s.Tim tsr.