Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpiffleofS. Pod to Titus. ded, and waytewhen God will vouchfafe them theknowledge of his truth, `Daft, a. Outof the fecond degreeof the corruption of minde, we learne, that it is a marke ofa manout of Chrift , not to beleeue and al- lent to theword,bnt rather co (land out inreafoningagainfì theeuidëce of it : for fo Toone as euer a man is become the fheepeof Chrift, he can- not but prefently heare his voice. Andhence Chrift himfelfe prooueth the carping Pharifiesnot to be of God, becaufe they could not abide to heare hisflings: and who be they towhome theGofpel is hidde? mien they that perafh: and ifwe would haueamore euident marke to knowe them by, it is added, that they be fuch, as the eyes of whole minder the God ofthis world bath blinded: wherein is implied a wilful' ioyning with Sa- tan, to blind themfelues further by their malice,thea they were by cor- ruptednature. Qefi. But are there any fomoaftrous as will ref; ft the wordofGod? it were pitty that any fuch fhould line. e/Infw. Yea, manymoe then will beacknowne of: and let vs looke a little nearer the thing, and we {hall find too lull occafien topronounce againfl manyin our congrega- tions, that whichStephen didofthe Iewes,that they were refiners of the holy Ghoi. For, t, whole wordsbe thefe to the almightie? Departfrom vs, we will not the knowledgeofthy wages : and , who is the Almghtie, that wefhouldferue him? Oh therebe blafphemous (peaches ( you will fay) and we abhorre them in our hearts.Bttt howfoeuer men would be loath to let fuch (peaches paffe the dooreof their lippes,yer the thing flicketh clofer voto them then tobe fo eafily wiped off: for howmany of vs,who heare theword, receive the Sacraments,and goe for Chriflians, refolue yet not to leaue our finnes till they leaue vs ? nay the obflinate purpofe of our hearts is to praelife them (fill : and what is this elfe , but with the feruants in theparable, to fend word into a farcecouatrey after the King, that we will not haue him to rule ouer vs, but out:owne lulls Thal ftillprefcribelawesvotovs? z. Whobe they that fay, the word and doctrineof the lawandGofpel is foolifbneffe? this youwill fay, was and is the conceit of the Iewesand Heathen ones, but wee are Chrifliaas, andhope tobe fauedby it. But how comes it to paffe then , that Chri- flianshearing their perfonaìl finnes daily reprooued, and the terrible curies of the lawdenounced againli them,yet hide andhold them as fo many fweete motfells under their tongues, and will not let themgoe?do they not plainely manifefl that they af(ent not to the word, that either their finnes are fo hainous,or hell fo hate as the word fpeaketh? Be they not Chriflians thatmake leagueswithhell and death, and fay, when the fword paffeth through the land, I flail be fafc, and out ofgunfhot ? be Pp 3 they CHAP.3.3. 599 Amarke ofa man our of Chris to resa and reafon a. gainf the word toh.8.q;. ,.Cor.q.?. Aft./.5t; Infix cesofmé that thwart the word, I Iob.st,,4. 2 r.Cor.t.18.