Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Ep}?kofS.PanrlEo Titus. CHAP.I.3. that both the wifdome and truth ofGod,and the faith&patience ofbis 43 peoplemight brine glorioufly. a. There lava be a time, wherein the Gentiles muti be fuffered to walke in their owne waies; before the time ofcalling anholy feed from among them,A&.t y.3o. 3. There muff be atimeof bondage & feruitude ofthe Church vnderthe elemegjs of the weld, and rudiments ofthe law, before this libertieand free ome was to beprocured, Ga1.4.4. 4.1fChrifl and thefe promifes had beene ex- hibited and accomplifhed to the Fathers the endof the world had been before we had beene borne: but becaufeGod wouldnot haue themper- xeb,ir,4a fell without vs,the promifes were deferred. Thefe words thusexplaned ,affordvs chefeg. inftruaions. r. That the do&rine of faluation is moreclearely manifefl then in i former times. a.That the Lord effe&eth euery thing in thedue lesion of it. 3.Thac the cuidenceofthe do &vine of faluation is to be fought and found in the preachingacheword. DoUr. r. That faluation is more clearely revealed then in former a- rhednfte;ne of ges, appcareth in that all the timeof the law was but the infancie, and Ginatiun is nonageof theChurch, which then was as achitde vnder7ntorr andge- r<«lfoeáeA tumours: and as a child was initiated in rudiments and elements of Chri- in au fataet flian religion,and enduedwith a fmali meafure ofknowledge,and faith, ; g:,.s becaufe the time wasnot come wherin the myficriesof Chrit3 were un- folded. Yea even Kingsand Princes who had the greatefl meancs of knowledge,defired to fee the things which we fee,antl could not,and to heare them, but yet could not, asChrift l:infeliewitneffeth. Towhich purpofe the ApolilePeter faith,thatofthis faluation,the Prophets haue inquired,and torched, &prophefied ofthegrace that fhould cometin- ,,Pe-.a.ro: rayon; not that theProphets themfelues had nocomfort of that grace, . but incomparifon it may be laid to haue come varo vs, as beeing to e- uidently accomplishedvnto vs, as it was not veto them : the watersfrom Euk.17;;.4. nder the threfhnttld ofthe Sanffuarie reached bin to their anckles , which now is become a freame which cannot bepafled:thechidat thefart ap- pearance to themwas no bigger then the palme ofamans hand which now couereth the whole heaucn.Thus had the old beleeuers the lakepre- ,,Pets,,, cieutfaithwith r;and Abraham f iwthe dale ofCori. buta farce off, and s«8tic. a.tt. moredarkely. But not toinfiflinthe proofe, becaufe wee fhallmeete and3.6. with the point more fitly,we come to the víe ofit. P7fe, s. How bieffed wese we ifwe could feeour bleflednes to whom Let thineeyes, fuch meaner ofbleffedtses areoffered : how is the land in many places be ope btet<od filled wich theknowledgofGod?but wouldGod that even in fuch pla- netre,. cesmen knew the dayof their viiration : and that the things oftheir peace