Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epif?kofS. Paulto Tina. CHAR3.5. whereas ifmen did know thisgiftofGod , as Chrifl: laid to the woman 63y ar the well, they woule askeand enquire after it; they would account the feet offilch meffengers as could tell them tydings of it very beauti- full; they would fell al! to make purchafe ou t ; they would reioyce in theword,make it their fong,their counfellor, their portion, the which both reucaleth, and as an inffrument ofGod beßoweth vpon vs all our good. Nay,it could not be but ifmen knewwho Chrift were , and did feehim in the minilîry, but they would run after it as fat , as CO heaven it felfe. Verf 5. Not ofthe workes of ribseoufneffe, The third and principal! inßru&ion in this principal! efficient of our faluation is, That there is nothing at all in any man, which mooueth or r.ertrbewell , g y noted agan!} enclinethGod to reach but his grace offaluation voto him : the which rt a P, pia., point the Apolle is careful! to zffirme fund.y wales. Asa. by rc;noo- diaeenenworks ofiul nand uingwhatfoeuerman could dreame of, asthe liklieft things to demerit "ra«.,reop. God: as works ofrighteeufnei, which befo,e conuerfion were none at all, merÿxgr,ae and therefore could make no way toour faluation. z. By expreffe after_ and not works o Fnuurga, mation,that beingmooned by his meeremercie he famedvs: and although ey,,md by nearer looking into the text,we alai meet with fundryother motives hue it, moil orderly linked together,concurring toour faluation ; yet (hall we Ì fee them all inGod,and neuer a one in our felues: a .we haue mention of i 2 his goodnes: a.of his loue toman: 3.ofhis mercy : and then in the lea placeof faluation: whence if we goe backe in the Camcorder, we (teal ea lilyperceive that our faluation floweth from his mercy, his mercy from Ibis loue,his lone from his goodnes,and his goodnes from his owne infi- nite :.sture. 3. Byoppofing (according to his vfuall manner) as contra- ries,the things whichneuer canEland together in this Wines : namely, Gods grace and mans merit. 4.By his whole fcope,which is to magni- 4 fie the free loge and good will of God from this, that not for anygood- nes invs,but of hisowne free grace he facedvs. In all which he fetteth himfelfe to meetewith thecorrupted iudgement of naturali men, who are (Jill hammering offumevprightnes, and honeti dealing, or goodnes oftheir nature difpofing them to thismercy :but our Apollie remooueth all fuchbold and blind conceits in affirming that these was no fuel) thing which God could refpeel. Now becaufe this is a maine ground of our religion, it will not be a- mitre to côfirme it by other paralel places,as alío by fume other grounds our of Scripture: Rom.9. i a . Than the purpofe of Godaccordingto eleffion Mightfland,not.according to workes,bast by him that calleth:and v.16. It is not in him that wi?lath, or in hire t hat runneth,but in God thatfberoeth mercy: and cap.11.35.whogau woo' eubiro fsrfistbat befhoteldrecompence? Hence, lave con-