Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

ChAP.3.5. cí3Commentarie vpon the 636 conclude,that ifGod fhouldchoofe ro faluation for any thing in man,ic Our faluation bcgir.nedi in c. s could not bebut man fhouldbe the firft in his owne ele&ion and God lcttion,and not afterroe come ro laith,know Icdgc,or good Wiresand works. Both Augustineand Thomas vrgc this placeto prcnu tnis conelußun. 2 t,Cor.4.7. 3 4 mould come aver him : yea it would ouerturne all theorder ofGod in his molt wifeproceeding,and would place his fecond grace before the fir(+:for whereas the fiat grace,nameiy,the ele&ion of fuch as the Fa- ther is toglue veto the Son by him to be faued,in all good order (hould precede the fecoud,whereby fuch as are eleóted before all rime, are in time giuen to theSonne, called ,iuftified,graced,glorified, and fo faued. ThePopifh doe+rineof Gods foreught of faith, cr workes, placeth this latter inGods counieil before the former. Secondly,eleîtion is ofgrace,Rom. t 1.5.7-here is anelection ofgrace:but ifit wereof forefeeneworkes, it wereat leaf+ partly of defert, and then fhould it follow, !.that it could not be of grace any way , becauf net of grace emeryway,v,6.2.that allour mite reioycingfbouldno,' beexcluded,Rom. 3.27. 3., that if the Apottie fhouldaske agaíue,whofeparatedvs?ouran fwer might be,wepartly feparated our felucs. Thirdly ourApotrle,Eph. t.4.5. affordeth vs three grounds more , z. from the time ofour eleetion,which is before the foundati6 of,heworld, before wehaddone either good or euill,or were in the world todoe it. z.In that he maketh our worker effe5tsofeledion,and therefore cannot becaufesofit: hebath .chofenvsInhires, not becaufehe forefaw that we would beholy,but that we might be holy and vnblameable,as in cap.a.i o. wearehn worhemanJhip created togoodworks: andbecaufe it might bePaid, that yet Godmight forefee who would receiue grace and whonot, and confequently,whowould vfe the fame aright in ordering their lines. The third conclufion in the 5.verfe affirmed' that God refpe6ed no- thingout ofhimfelfe,or invs,palr or ro come:but accordingto the good pleafurewhich he pnrpofedin himfelfe (as Beea readeth it) hechooled vs topartake ofhìs grace. Fourthly, I would aske aPap +, whether lithe Lord did forefee any thing to bring vs to faluationby; whether that was not the covenant of . grace rather then the couenant of workes, by the which neuer was or could anyman be faued ? z. In cafe God did forefee any worke which should be anfwerable to either of thofe couenants of graceor workes, whether himfelfe fhould not be the be(towerofthat grace and work:fo as (till not theworke(if there were any) but his grace fhalfbe the firft moouer. 3.Whethcr God fhouldbemooned (if by workes) by chofe before conuerfion,or after: if they fayby thole after conuerfion , euen theft faith theProphet are as a trainedclout. If by thofe afore , which . their- do.éìrine fcemeth to tend to,affirming that our vnregeneratewills haue a power to content and coworke withGods will, and to prepare then-