Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epi /lkofs.Paid to Titus. CxAr.3.5 themfelues to iu(lification:then our text controlleth them, which faith therewas no fuch works atall,which could mooue the Lord to take a- ny pleafure invs. Nay,wewerefnnertfaithPaul, when God chofe vs; & fuch (innersasare described in the former verfe,blinded in mind, rebel- lious in will, and difordered in our whole conuerfation. Which (hall fettlefor the ouerthrowe ofall workes,either preparatory, or forefeene, or which any other waymay obfcure the free graceof God in our ele- &ion and faluation. Yfe. a. Tobe fober minded, and wife to fobriety in the matters of Godscounfell,inquiring into no reafon furtherthen his will,which is e- tier lull although the thingmay fcerne (}rangeand.dazle our weakeyes: the which onepoint would cut off manycontrouerfies ,&needles que- Iliions offundry diuines, who in their platformes ofeie&ion and repro- ation, will allowe the Lord no further liberty then themfelues can de- uife reafon of: for one,the forefightof forne good,for theother, offorne euill: which cannot but bring in an vniuerfall reprobation becaufe all are the fonnesofwrath by nature, and God Teeth them not out of this condition in themfelues: betides that, the Lord (hall be tied toconditi- ons,whereas he will haue mercy where he wil, and whom-he will he will harden. 2.. This.doélrine is a groundof true humility :for when all faluation from firfl to latl is acknowledged tobe of grace, altogether out of our (clues, it fhutteth all prefumptuous mouches, whowould gladly be fa- crificing to their own nets.And this feemeth to-he the Lords end in fla- bliííhing his free covenant;thathis people might remember, andbe afha- med, andneater open their mouthany more. How carefull is he to take all fuckarrogant (peachesout oftheir mouches , Deur.7:7.and9.5'. Say not beeattfeofmine owns righteoufneffe bath theLordgitten vs this land ( and much leffe the heauenlyCanaan) and tellet) them plainly that they were the leafiandmerffefailpeople,before the Lord put the difference be- tween themand others. And the whole Scripture fheweth how he bath let his affeélton out fuch as were flit the moll vnlikely,and in all outward refpetcls_leafl commendable; the youngeti. for molt part when the firfl borne feerned tocarrieaway all the priuiledge: Abel before Cain, Ia cob before Efau,Ephraim before.Manaffeh,Iofeph and Dauid before the tell oftheir elder brethren: his manner was-aiwaies,, and is , tohide that from the wife which he would reueale to babes, by foolith things to confound the wife,.and by weake things themighty: and why ? t. .in re- gard ofhimfelfe, becaufe hissood pltafurewas fach; no other reafon , but his ovine.willinooued him. 2.inregard ofvs,:hat-nofefhfhoaldreioyce be- fore bim. 3.Hence. 637 Voluntas dei occulta effe po' tef,nonpota effe irritdta. Auguft adPaul. cpilt.;9. Ezelc.tó.óq. Dilexit on ex. iftentcs lire re. frfteatts.itun. Matth.v.2r.26, t.Cor.t.39.