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Epif#leofS. PautoTit. CHAP. 3.5. grace as well as we doe. 639 By the wa/hingofthe newbirth,] Ws are now come to the inftrumentall curesor meanes wherebywe are let into this newcondition. And thefe be two, Firfi àutward,where- by we are brought into thevifible Church, and chat is, thewafhing ofthe newtbirth or bapcifine. Secondly inward, whereby we are truelynet in- to the bodyof Cnrili,and that is the renewing of the holy Ghofl; who powrethout plentifuly upon our confciences pure waters to cleanfe them both from the guilt and filchines ofenne, as after weare to make manifeft. For themeaningof the former in fewwords t Arrow both why bap- cifine is called the lauer ofregeneration,as alto why od is fail toflue vs by it: we muff conceiue that in euery Sacrament there be three effentiall arfe""ant cart: of a facramenc parts , the abfence of any ofwhich dellroy the whole : t. the fgne, a. three. . the thing fi nified, 3.the analogie between them,which is the vnion of them both : the firfi is Come outward and fenfible thing : the fecond in- ward and fpirituall e the third mixt of then both. As in baptifwe the figne is water , the thingfignifed the blood of Chrilit the analogie or u- nion ftádeth in this refemblance,that as the former outwardly walheth the filthineffe of the body,fo the latter inwardly purgeth thefoule from all (inne. By reafon ofwhich relation and neere affe&ion becweene the fgne and che thing fignified,tt is vfual in the Scriptures by an improper, sacraroa"ran but Sacramental! !peach t.to call the lrgne by the nameofthe thing f,rme, oFtpea- frgnified,and contrarily. And thus bapritme is called the wafting of the kin. newebirth , becaufe it is aAve feale, and infirument of it. Secondly , to afcribe that to the fgne which is proper co the thing egnified , and fo bapcifine is here laid tofaue,.as alio t.Pet. 3. at. which is indeede the property of theblood of Chrifi, r.Ioh. t. 7. but by the neere affinity of chele two in che,Sacrament it is laid fo to doe, to note vntovs, a,noc to conceiue oftbe Sacramental! elements as bare and naked lignes, fo to grove into the contempt ofthem. 2. as we may nocconceiue them idle fnnes,foneither idol! lignes, by in(ifting in themas though they were the whole Sacrarnent:for theyare but outward , whereas the principals matter ofaSacrament is fpiritualland inward, 3. that then we truliell conceiueofa Sacrament,when by looking at the one of thefe we fee both; neither making the ligne a vaine Cymbole, nor yet afcribing any thing to it tranfcending the nature ofit, fuch as are the peculiars and prerogatives of God: but in the ligne and a&ion ,which is outward, be The Lord ;a led to chofe which are fpirituall and inward. baprir, a not Dour. God inbapcifine not onely offerethand frgnifieth, but truely onely offereth exhibitetlr race whereb our 6nnes are wafhed and we renewed by the butrxhro,recn g a Y grace. ho-