Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAp.3.5. 610 Concil.Tríden. feit7.ean8.1i quis diaetit per ipfa noua fegis facramenta e,e opere operato non confetti gratiam,&c. Grace not tied to the facra. ment. t 2 3 om.g.ró. AC,B.;7. 5 t .1Commentarie vpon the holyGhofi: for therefore it is called the wa(hingofthe new birth , both becaufe itfealeth vp the wafhing away offumes by the bloodof Chrifii, A&. z. 38.Bebaptifedfor the rem/oneffinr;as alfo in that it betokeneth, and is a meane ofan other waffling by the fpirit of Chrifl: and this is the fanbtification ofafnner,imperfeét in this life, but which (hail be perfe- aed in the life to come. But the doEtrine will remaine obfcure,ifwe Thal not open two points before we come tomake vfeofit. t.how, s. to whom baptifme is the lauerof regeneration;For the former therefore, t.how it is not. z.how it is. Firfi, this effeôt is not afcribed to the worke wrought, as thePopifh do6rine teacheth. z.Neither:by any extraordinary eleuation of the a- dtion,whereby it is made able to conferre thebenefit ofrenouation : for this were both tomake euery baptifme a kindeofmiracle, asalto to en- croach vpon the claufe following, wherein the worke ofrenewing is a- fcribed to theholy Gho(l, 3.Neither that the waters of baptifme haue in themfelues any inherent power or force towa(h the confcience,as to wafh the filthofthe body : they wrong conceiue it that (hut vp any fuch power in it as is in aphyfical in(lrumêt,as though it as properly wafhed as anhearb healeth if applyed.4.Neither beeaufe grace is tied by any promife, or messesvnto the action, foas Godwho is mofì free in his gifts cânot either otherwife dillribute,or canot otherwife but difpenfe it with the aétion. For i .grace is not tied to theword , therefore not to the Sacrament. z.Theywere feparate in the firil and greatefi minifierof, baptifme, Johnhimfelfe , whoconfef ed that he indeedc baptized with water,but it belonged to him that came after him to glue the grace. 3. lfthefeopinions were true or anyofthem, then fhould euerybaptized party be truely regenerate ; the contrary whereof appeareth in Simon Magus inmany manife(l wicked ones,and dolehypocrites in all ages. 4. The falfhood appeareth,in that force are inflified before baptirme,as Abrahamwas, before he received thefeale of circaamci/an: Cornelius, A& so. 47.the Eunuch, A&. 8.3 7. 38. force after baptifine, as num- bers whoare dailyconuerted, fumeout of Popery, Come out of pro. fanenes :Yea, whereas onely two forts ofperfons werebaptized,either infavtr,or men ofyeares: in the latter was faith euer required before their baptifine: fo Philip to the Eunuch, If thou beletuelfwith all thy heart, thoumil!. And forinfants, ifthey be ofbeleeuingparents,, they are holy in the roote,and to thembelong the kingdome ofheauen,euen before theyareprefented to this water. 5. This opinion of tying grace to this Sacrament ,ouerthroweth,t.thehighe(+andmoll proper caufeof our faluation,whichis Gods free eleétion,to whichonelygrace is tyed. 2. the