Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epif leofS.Paul to Titer. CHAP.?.S . 2. the onlymeritorious caufeofour'regeneration,which is the blood of Chrifl properly purging vs from all finne. 3.the aloft powerful) , next, andapplying efficient,which is the holyGhofl, to whom our renewing is here afcribed, andnot to the Sacrament of Baptifine in this our firth fen fe. Secondly, how is baptifme then the lauer of regeneration ? Aifw. In diuerfe regards. z.As it is an inflitution of God fignifying the good pleafure of God for the pardoning offinne , and accepting to grace in ,Chrifl: for as the word fignifieth this, fo doth alto the Sacrament which is avifibleword. And thus is it truelyPaid ofthe word and Sacraments too,that theyfame andfanEfifie, becaufe they fignifie the goodpleafureof God in fauiug and fan&ifying vs: cuco as we fay aman is faued by the kings pardon,nor that the pardon properly doth it; for that is the meere 'mercifull difpofition of the King, but becaufe the pardon ( written and fealedperhaps by another)figned by the king,is the ordinary inflrumét tomanifefl themerciful) minds of the king in pardoning fuch a malefa- &or.. zAs it is a Pealeor pledge ofour fan&ification and falua:ioa, as certenly afluring theft to the Jouleof the belceuer, as heis or can be af- fured of theother : that as a man hauing a bondof a thoufand pound fealedhim,may truely fay of it,here is my thoufand pound , that is, a fe.. curity, as furely confirming-it vetome,as if I had it in my hands , or as I haue this: even fo may thebeleeuing patty baptized fayofhis baptifine, here is my regeneration, here is my faluation. 3. As it is a meanes to excite & prouoke the faith of the receiuer to lay hold vpon the graceof the Sacrament, and apply it to thefe purpofes:in which regard it may be as truely laid to renews, as faith is laid ro intifie; and that is onely as it is a meanes or hand to lay-hold on Chrift our righteoufoeffe : foBaptifine is a means helping forward our renewing, by the truevnderftanding & confcionable and ferions meditationof it. 4,In that in the right vfe of it, it giueth and exhibiteth Chrifl and all hismerits CO the fit rcceiucr : for thenGods grace putteth forth it felfe,and after a fort conuaieth it felfe, in and by this infirument into the heart ofthe worthy receiuer.Aud thus principally it is the lauer of regeneration; becaufe in it and by it as a meaneand organe,tk aholy Ghofl freelyworketh his grace in fuch as in whom he delighteth:and thus we are fitly lead tothe iecond point pro- pounded concerning thefe perlons. , The fecond point, namely the confideratio:èlfthe perCons to whom baptifine is thewafhingof the newbirth, will more cleare this difficult point: for we mull not conceiueit thusin entry party baptized, but in fuch as haue the gift offaith to receiue the grace offred:Ioh.r.r z.fo ma- 1 ny as receiaedhim , hegaae them power, &c. Eph.S. zy. deniedwith wa ter 641 Baptifine how the lauer ofre. generation. i a 4