Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAS. ;4. t Commentarie upon the 643 I ter through themord, nan;ely,beleeued : for whence elfe can water haue Nonq..,ddar. rower towafh the foule ? It is not then the walbingof the body with tut quou erec :usAUg.in i water,but the receiuing & applyingof the promife by faith,which btin- rot,an Beth grace into the foule; without which faith, both word and Sacra- Mansóaó. ments are vnprofitable. This Chrii we know required in baptifine, bee rhea beleerrethand ú baptiz,ect,fhall be fa' ued. The rspotile in the fupper requirerh aworthy receiuing ; andwho candeny but if grace he comer- red in the Sacrament,itfnuft be receiued alto: and if it muli be receiued, Encceuarudm I would know how any thing which is fpirituall canbe receiued but by venenua; fiti° this hand ofthe Conic. Whence it is necclfari' concluded,that vngodly non qod aia- y la,fed quiz :a- and vnbeleeuing ones receivenothing in baptifine but the element, and Insmair acee pic.Auguft. that as a naked frgne : example whereofwe haue in ludas, who are the Pafreouer, but remained a deuill :In Simon the forcercr, whowas bap- tized,but remained chained in thebonds ofin±quity and in the gall of bitternes t In Ananias andSaphira , whono doubt were among other Chrifliansbaptized, but notwafhed front their hypocrifie: Ia all which neither was graceconferred,nor wickednes weakned. And what mer- uell if vntovngocily ones the Sacrament be an emptie boxe, without oyntmcc,or as a dead letter without fpirir?for nothing is promifed them in the word,feeing all thepromifes goe with condition of faith and re- pentance,which.they want: and canwe meruaile if thePeale doe him no good that bathno narne,no right in the couenant ? How Baptimie 2aefl. But howfoeuer in men of yeares faith is required vnto bap - is rffstruatl co infants. tifine,yet wè aremolt torefpeéi it as adminifired voto children,in whb we cannot expetk faith,and thereforevnto them either faith is not requi- fite,or by the former anfwer their baptifme is vnprofitable. v. Thus well is deepe,and wewant wherewith to drawe certentie of refolution: but will affray in fome propositions to deliuer fummarily that whichmay be extra6ted out ofth Scriptures and expouitors ,as moli probable for the vnfoldingofthis difficultie.To which purpofe let vs first diliinguifh of infants ;of whom Come are eleëted, andTome belong not vnto the e- le6ion ofgrace. There latter receiue onely the element, and are not in- wardly wafhed: the former receive in the right vfe ofthe Sacrament the inward grace;not thathereby we tie the maietlie ofGod to any time or meaner, whole fpirit bloweth whenand where he lilieth ; on Come be- forebaptifine, who are fan &ified from the wombe ; on Come after : but becaufe the Lord delighteth toprefer t himlelfe gracious in his own or- dinance, we may conceiue that in theright vfe of thisSacrament, he or- dinarily accompanieth it with his grace : here according to his promife we may expedi it,and here we mayand ought fend out the praier of faith for it. ObieE1.