Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Cunr.3.g. 6q.4 What baptifme feruethfor in them that be lecua already. vlComtnentarie vpon the that Adams corruption is not more effeetuall to pollute the infants of beleeuing parents,chenChrif}s blood& innocency is co fanaife theta: and beeing fo, his wifedome wantethnot meanes toapply it vnto them, euen in their infancie,yea in the wombe to make it their owne,althougb wecannot reachvnto them. So much ofthe faithof infants. Here one fcruple remaineth tobe remooued, namely,ifinen ofyeares muff beleeue, and children of beleeuing parentsmuff be faithfull and holy before baptifme, what (hall baptifme be good for, or what profit a can is bring to any ? e/1 s'. Pita, in regardof Gods commandement, which Abraham, Cornelius,Paul,beleeuing obeyedwithout reafoning, 2 and fo manifefled their faith inobedience. 2. That Inch as haue received inuifible incorporation into Chrit }s bodie,nìua be altovifibly. incorpo- rated,that whomGod took for amember oftheChurch,theChurch allo 3 might accept as one. 3. That thegrace receiued might beaugmented: for by the worthyvfe ofthe Sacrament , thole graces which are weake receiue more encreaf , faith is incited, loue quickned, hope confirmed, 4 and obediencebettered daily. q. That the partiehitnfelfe may be flreng- thened and confirmed both in the graces receiued, as alto in regard of that grace and glorie whichhe expect}eth to receiue in the refurreófion; both which are more firmely fealed in the Sacramentof baptifine :wher- as otherwife it would bewithmen here,as in their temporail tenures, in which iftheir leafes or indentures want a feale,they like their hold much the worfe. Vfe. t. Minif}ers muffdeliver this do&rine plainely, and not as we may obferue fome, who either notvnderf}anding it, or not willing that othersfhould vnderf}and them;generally tie acertaine grace to this Sa- crament of baptifine, but not explaining chele two points,howe and to whom ; leave their hearers laid open to many dangerous errours : ot3 which I will giueTome examples. a. Toconceiveof an abfolutenecel fitie of baptilme, and hence cruelly and impioufly denie vnto infants dying without it, their faluation. But we enufì bewareof running back into this point of Poperie, which at thisdaychruf}eth the foules of Inch Limbes puero. babes into a place very neerehell, and their bodies out of Chriffian bu- `ut" riall (as they call it) into an unhallowedplace: and conceiue aright of the point. thus. As for inward baptifme which is tobe within the coue- nant, and regenerated ; to hold it abfolutely necefiarie vnto faluation : Outwird bap. Ioh. 3. ç. Except a man bee borneagaine ofthe materandthe Spirit , he can tifne how farce not enter into the kiingdome of hearten: but as for outward baptifme the ecenrie »how farce not. Peale of the former, tohold itneceffarie but accidentally,as r.in regard ofGods commandement, 2. of our owne weakener, .to auoid the dan- ger and appearance of negte&,or contemptoffo holyan ordinance:but. to