Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epílileofs. Paidte rigs. CHAP.3.5. to hold it fo neceffarie, as that he that fleppcth not ouer this threfhold 645 can neuer get intoheauen, is direétly both agaìnfl the grace of God in the Scriptures;whichaffirme thechildren of the faithfull to be holy be- fore they cometo this baptifme : as alfo theexamples,ofchildten dead before theeight day, the day oftheir circumcifion ; ofmen andchildren for the fpaceoffourtieyeares wanting circumcifion in thewildernes of Dauids child dyingbefore the eight day,the damnationofwhich he fea- rednot;of the chide on the croffe, who wanted the outward baptifine, although not the inward. Surelyour Sauiour Chrill wherehe had good occafion,maketh no filch neceffrtieof it : He tbatkeleeuetb and is bapti- zed,fhall befamed; but mark in the oppofition he faith not, he tharbe- lerueth not, and is not baptized,fliallbe condemned : but that we fhould taot conceiue of fttch a needles neceflitie, he purpOfely leaueth out the latter claufe ofthe former fentence, onely affirming that he that belee- nab nor fhall be condemned. Andwhat anvnequali thingwere it, that if parents fhould negle61 tobring children feafonably vnto baptifine, that thechildnot offending fhould for theparents fault be condemned ? Let vs therefore fend backe this cruell opinion to the Papifis among whome it was firfi hatched, andbetter befeemethDmrRms, or Tome fuel Darns ilk Pa. ocher hard heartedPapifl, affirming that God is able tofame infants without f; as á,ae baptifine,but weknow his revealed will to the contrarie well enough; then any Protefiant Minitier, amongwhom it were a (baffle that loch Popifh notes fhouldberecorded. z. The darke deliuerieof this doElrine, hach bred vp another no lefl'e Popifh, that feeing grace is fo tied to the Sacrament , therefore the in. fant baptized is wafhed from all originali finne; and that by the con- comitant graceof theSacrament, euery infant is fo pure as there is no- thing in it which God canhate. A doétrine fearefully derogatory from theblood ofChrifl; and contrarie to theScriptures,which teach that o- riginall finne is taken away to thofe that are let into Chrifi by baptifine, I. in regardof the forme, the guilt, z. the fruit, thepunifhment. ;. the vbmun rr raigne and dominion ofit. q.in that the remainders and reilicks of it are in daily confumption: but in regardofthe matter of it, ofthe a61 of it,of non war, themoleflation ofit,itisprefent in the moll fan&ified nature the earth beareth.The Apoflle faith offuch,there itne condemnation to them, but he Rom.B i. faithnot, there isno damnable thing in them. 3. From themifconceit of thisdo&sine, and the extolling the out- ward workeofbapcifine,thewhichimpollers and deceiuers of mindes bane full delighted todwell in,hath fprungvp that dangerous errour of baptizing bywomen; asalfothe private nimbling vpof the matter in cornersby TomePriefl or Minifler. Whereas for theprefent we known S f z that