Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

ir C A Corianteutarie .gon the 646 that the Minifler in his minifleriall aEtions fuflaineth the perfon of No woman a6: Chrifl,which a womancannot do. Againe,thdfe that are called to bap_ minifter of tine, are called allo topreach: for the Sacrament without the word is a baptit.ne. dumbeceremonie,and as a Peale to ablanke. And `Paul who would not permit awoman re teachminiflerially, would much leffe fuffer her tobap. r.Corr43M tile. If any woman haue been ac.ceffarie to thirgrieuous finne,let her fe r'ioufly and feafonably humble her felfe for it,in that without,yeaand a gainll thecommandeaaentofGod,fhebath polluted fuch a facred ordi- nance. If any man (hould let the Kings broad Peale ro any infirument, but the Lord-keeper, his faawere no leffe then high tteafon; and (hall we think there is leffedanger ih counterfeiting the great feales ofGods Ic is aaaina the couenant? As for the due lace of ba timme it is the publike aflembl as &Otis. of this P P ° P y ordinance co beeing a part of publike wortliip annexed veto preaching , Match. 28. be brought into Circumcifion in the law was nothing fo excellent as this the fucceffor of private houfts. it: yet might it not be adminiflred in private houfes, but thepartie mull bebrought before the Lord: and much more here,where after a moreglo- rious mannerthe part} is to be recciued, not intohis fathers family , but the familyofGod the visible Church.And is it nor a farre greater indig- nitie for theSacraments to bebrought into private houfcs , then for ci uill judgement , the nature of which is to be open and publike in the gates? As for the pretended cafe ofneceffìtie, there is no filch as vrpech obiurValen:i" it torranfgreiïe thecommandem:nt; and to make private places pub - niani nr ptra. . -like. Why fhould.we not rather with the auncieut who euen in moll rots s,iic ilium igrioránt times could conceiue that in,defeEt ofbaptifrne with water, if ;;calla teapr.Lni rr non <arw(îe>li- it couldnot conueniently (as without the debatingof Gods ordinance) cet non act behad ,a fufficient fupply might be made by the other two either of the baptizarus,yuíc PP a y eiurdcfidcrio holyGhofl, or ofmartyrdome,and that God in cal: ofnecefficieaccep- dagraffet. tcth the will for the deede which alfo Ponce of the áuncient a ! ed to Neceiiirate - PP Y° premente aditl. this purpofe :and that not the want, but contempt of baptifrne is dam- votofxpc ac sable, voluntare foift fit ere baptizati. Fourthly, from the doubtfull deliueryofthis doelrinearifeth another errour andopinion offalling from grace (for marke the man that flag- eerech in the fortner,he will be nibling, and fumbling at all thefe as far as he dare) for if euerie child receiue grace as a thing tied vinobaptifine,'I what becommethof that gracewhenchildren growing inyeares, grow alto extreamely flagitious and wicked?neceffarily it,tiaufl be Ioft and va- nifhed : which is both againft therScriptures, and the dobirine of our Ioh3a. Church. For if the child be borne ofGod in. baptifine,heefinneth not 6e.. cattle thefeedeofGodisinhim: and ifthe infant be come unto Chrifl in baptifine he neuer cafizethhim a4,Ioh.6.37.he (hall hexerhunger,ver.; e.he fba /1 nor beloft, 3y. hefhall hoeforeu 'r, so.. If the in fan tApe once of the Church Farling from tae grace ,'f capi( ara groftc error. t