Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

I EpifileofS. Pail to Titus. CHAP.3. g 1 Church, it rem4ineth in the Church, and can neues be a limbe ofSatans Iy_ 647 nagogue, 1.101,2.1a, Lathy, as all error is fruitfull, fo hence alto is grounded that fancie of Popifh penance, which they make a Sacrament to rebore fuch by as are fallen from the grace oftheir baps ifwe:and a fecund table to faue inch as s"u"dap°h nanfraginar ta by verrue of their fir(i couenant cannot be reamed; as though the cone- hula. nant of Godwere not eterna/land vnchangeable, or as if Godmarled vs not to himfelfefor ewer: or as if the force ofbaptilme'ailed not beyond 1toc1.1y. the aelion and adminifiration ofit. 0fe. z. To teach parents, t. tobe prefenr, to prefent their children Parents fl,ontd with ioy vetoholy baptifine. What a comfort is it for a Father to feehis theirs ildren child wa(hed with the blood ofIefus Chriit? cleanfed from (inne? Per in baptirme. to thevifible Church,yea,into the bodie ofChri(l,in the right vie of this Sacrament? wherein a parent ought more to reioyce, then if bee could Make it the heire of the world, z. diligently vpon the occauon of ; An_ their chìldrens baptifme to examine themfelues,whetherthey be in co- tnemielnest °- cernmg the eF uenant with God or no,that fo their chiidrê may be entred into the fame Feu of their couenant: yea and feeing their often failingswith God , to enter now a °`°"` newe league, and renew their couenant withhim, by renewing their faith, by making vp againe through true repentance their former brea- ches: yea by folemne prayer and inuocation to vrge the Lord to call to minde hiscournant made to the iuß and their feede and make it good veto himfelfe and his child now to be entred into the Church. But what a generali fault of Parents is it, to content themfelues in bringing their children, that theoutward worke may be performed vpon them , (pen- ding no final' time in circuit-it-lances offolemnicie,as cooly banquets and feafbing(which in moderation I condemn not) but take little or no time in preparing themielues and theirchildren to the receiuing ofthe inwand grace ofbaptifine?whichgreat error is worthy reformation in the mo,fl, in thebeft. Vfe. 3. To thecongregation,that feeing this is fuch a folemne r,rdi_ Thecongrega. nance, as wherein the Lord ii i h f fic onifieth, fealcth, and exhibitetarrn `i° " °"set eo depart fro"nr m grace to curry worthy receiuer : that therefore eucrie one in the congre- baprii ne.iteat. gation continue together vntill the ende of the Sacrament , and not runne out as the manner ofmoett is. For I. it is an ordinance no,t belon- ging onely to the infants, parents,and futeties ( who are often left in a manner alone with the Minifler ) but to all the congregation : feting Baptifine is a receiuingofa member into the congregation , and in this regard nìeere to be done by the whole. z. Euerie one ought to Carrie y to heipe the congregation in prayer for the infant , and to ioyne in the pride ofGod for the ingrafting in ofanother member into thebodie of S f 3 Chrifl`. ,.