Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Caer.3.5 - 648 3 4 K egeneration what. I z 3 Ga1,6.ts.. N Cottnrnentarie upon the Chrifi. 3. Euery one ought to helpe himfelfeboth in calling tominde his owne baptifine, hispromife, and ingrafting intoChrift; as alfo to examine what fruit he reapeth' of the death and refurre&ion of Chrif} intowhich he is let, and fo tobeeither humbled or thankful], as hee fin- dial his eflate. 4. Lafily, howmuch fo euerrfed, yet is it a moll tnre- nerent part towards this ordinance : whit anvngodly contempt were it to runne outfrom hearing the word : and why is it not alfo in running from the Sacrament, whichis the Pealeof that couenant ? as- if men were loth to beprefent where the bleffed Trinitie prefenteth it (elfe to firth a gracious purpofe as this is, namely, to Peale fuch benefits tooneof that congregation. Andmore, it is a difordered thing :for thegood of the Church requireth that the Congregation should come in together goe outtogether: wherein the Lord is fo lirait that the King might not depart till all was ended t Ezek. 46. 10. Hoefhallgoein when theygoc in, andwhen theygoeforth, {hey(hall geeforth together. Let euery man make more conlcience of this dutie hereafter, andfeeingChria himfelfe dif- dainethnot to come to Ioht15 baptifrne; let vs takeheed ofrunning from Chrifis. eAnd the renewing ofthehey Ghoff,1 Nowwe come to fpeake ofthe inwardmeans ofour faluation, whar- hy the Lord fetteth vs into this new condition, here called the renewing of the holy Ghoft: wherein to vndertiand it better, we will confider two points: s,what this renewing is. z. why it is called the renewing of the holy Ghofi :and focome to the infiruéiions. For the former. It is a graceofGod, whereby the corruption of na- ture in beleeuers,is by thepower ofthe holy Ghofi daily renewed vnto the imageofGod. I fay, r.it is agrace of God 1.Pet. 1. 3. Who actor_ ding to his abundant mercie bath begotten vs. to a liuely hope. 2. by Which the corruptionof nature: which is the proper obie6l ofit, called in Scrip- ture thefiefh, theold nran : not the fubliance of body or foule which were not decaied or perifhed;but the corrupt qualities, whichby the fal tookeplace in them. 3. rr.renewect: this is a word ofrelation and op- pofedto that olde corruption drawee from the old Adam ; for fo is the new birth by thefpirst, oppofed to that old natiuity which is of theflefb, loh. 3. Againe, the word importetha compleat worke vpon the whole fubie6:for as to thebirthofa child,not one or moe parts and members, but the whole child is borne ; fo in the newbirth , the whole man muff be borne againe,thewhole man muli be a new creature: in which is not the framingoffomething out of fomething,buc offomething out ofno- thing: For if the Popifh dottrine were true,that there were Tome power in nacure,whereby (the holyGhoti a little freeing it) it couldofit felfe will: s