Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epiflleofs. PaaltaTitus. will and pe rforme that which is tritely good; then wereman but in part new, and fo could not be called a new man, a new creature, or be Paid to be borneagaine; neither railed vp from the death of trefpaifes& finnes, but reuiued and recouered as out ofa fwooneor dome desperatedífeafc; nor renewed,but a little repaired and mended. But becaufe the corrup- tion of nature is gone otter the wholeman , as webane a little before heard :fo this renewing muß be in the wholeman, and in the fame order. r. Ir mua beginne in thefpirit oftheminde,Rom. r 2. 2. the firaworke in thisnew creation alfomua be tomake the light to banifh the darkenes and blindnes ofminde; vnderwhich are comprehended the vnderaand- ing, will, and affe&&ions, 2. It muff proceede to the outward man and conuerfarion, that euen themembers of the body maybecom the mem- bersof Chria, andobedient vita the law of the mind renewed; and fo the whole may become a liuely, reafonable, and acceptable facrifice vo- wGod. In these twoßandeth the renewing of the wholeman,required i.Theß.5. z 3 The Godofpeace fané ifie you throughout: and I prayGod your wholeforte, bodie, andfpirit bekept blameleffe : where is mention of thefpirit, as the very foule and life of a renewedperfon , and is noother then the graceof fanótification, oppofed to the corruption of nature, which is Seated both in fouleandbodie. 4. I adde. In beleeuers,becaufe regeneration is thevndiuided and infeparable companiô offaith,which is called the faith of theele/l,as we hue heard : a. Theft. 2. r 3. Chofen' you to faluation through the fanllifcation ofthe fpirit, and the faith oftruth: whence it followeth, that as faith is not of all, no more is regenerati- on; neither is this grace further tyed to the Sacrament, then where it meeteth with a faithfull receiver. 5.1 fay daily, for although the belee- urr be renewed in cuche part, yet all is but inpart, it isle. compleat in the fubie&,as that it is yet a continued worke,and not confummate vo- cal we all meete in thevnitie of the Sonneof God, when that perk& is come :for fo long as we are here below, this righteoufnes of God is re- uealedfromfaith to faith, and wee are changedfrom glorie to glorie, and we walkefrom f rength to f rengtb : In all thingsgrowing vp in him which is the head : hee that is inft mutt bee itefffrill, and he that is holy mull bee daily more holy ; and thus encreafe vntill the perfe1 day. 6. I adde, unto the image of God: Eph. 4. 24. Pot on thenewe manwhich after God, that is, after Gods image, is treated lurighteoufae fTe andholineffe: feealfo 2. Cor. 3. 18. Weeare cbanged into thefarms image of God: for as Adam was created in the imageof God, fo mua euery beleeuer bee renewed voto that bieffed condition. Inaword, looke what the image of God was , which wasgiuen vsby our creation, voto the famemua we bee wrought now by the grace of the fecond couenant ; but that floodnot S 4 in