Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EprflleofS. P,sa1toTitxs. CiHAP.I.3. or fuffred,or enjoyed byman,it;hath his.timewherin it is beautiful.No- 41 thing is fogreat,nothing is fo little, whether it haue a naturals procee- ding,or whether it be voluntarily vndertaken , or involuntarily and ne- ceffarily fußained; but it bathan appointedtime, wherein it is timely and feafonable:the infinite wifdome& eternal! prouidence ofGod, hath fit- ted and fet the due feafou wherein it (hall be done orfuffred, not conte tinghimfelfe tocreate,gouerne,anddifpofeofall hiscreatures; but euen The deepe and all the circum(iancesofthem, as time,place, manner : all which are de- botromietre tea termined according tohis difpofition,who is wifedonie it felfe. In like do.e. rire- manner,the Prophet Habakuk pronounceth ofall vifions and words of God, whether ofpromife or threatning , emery vifou to for an appointed Habac.3.;. tiene:let them feeme to lie lea and voide neuer fo long, yet fh all they be not onely certenly fulfilled,but in that periodtof ttrne , which the wife- domeofGod hash impropriated veto them. Pfe.r. This doEìrine condemneth that heatheniflr idol of Fortune,or Thennot for- tune fonte ofthemcalled by the nameofGod,andworfhipped chancr. y { ammusFor- as God;efpecially the fouldiers,who tooke him for their patron,andvn- tunan.:am, tohim referred all the doubtful! euents ofwarte. But if the Lord haue Iuvcnal "o" 15 appointed toeuery euent,a due and determinate time;rhen can there be no chance : and that which we for ignorance call fortune , the Scripture chailengeth to be the prouidence ofGod: for example, If a man heave a tree,and the headof his hatchet flie from the helve , andhit his neigh- hour fo as he dìe,thoughwe call this chance"medly,yet the Scripturecal- i x°aar.r3. lath it expreffel y,6odsgiuing a man into the handofanother:and oppofeth it to lying in wait,and wilful intended murther. Obiell. Time and chancefall to all chi Sgt, Beeler: 9. r t. Anf. Salomon fpeakethout of the opinionof the Epicures,and in their language: who becaufc they law not the race alwaies to the fwift, nor the batten to the firong,nor bread to the wife,nor riches to the learned; thence conclu- ded, that therefore thingsmuff needs be wheeled about, by a blinde Fortune,rather then by an oculareprouidcnce:whcreas indeed things in in the world are thusby a fpecial prouidencedsfpoied of,fometimes for (iinne, fometimes for trial! offaith and repentance in the godly; and for thehardningof the vngodly. Ob:efb. Luk.ro. 31. By chance there came a certain Priefi that way. enfw. r. It is a parable, and beeing; vttered in the common receiued OftheHcbrew rearmes , cannot be (±retched fo farne beyond the fcope ofir. a. the kxF` Greek wordsxctTo çtuvnugiav,figniifie properly,it fel out,or came to paffe; bath fg,,tymg, regardofGod, who (weedy dif.pqfeth all his meanes to his namely by the prouidenceofGod,fo ouertuling the matter.3. it fell out t°fau. cafually to the Prier+, who expe6ied no fuch euent:but determinately in 1 their proper