Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

----------- Crtnr3.5 C.onsmentarie vpon the 65o in the fubfiance of the fouie and naturali faculties ofit fomuch ; fuchas vnderiranding, freewill, memorie, &c. but . in the knowledge and il- lumination, Col. 3. ro. Put on thenewman which is renewed in bnowlet e: 2. in the righteonfnefle and integritieof the whole man, Eph.4. 24.Put on thenew man, which after God is created in righteoufneffe and triteho- lineffe. The fecond point in the meaning is,why this is called the renewingof Opus aaextra. the holy Ghoff. eflnfw. Not that it is not wrought as well by theocher' perfons,beeing a worke without themfclues: for the Father reneweth as beeing the foundation and fountainenot of theDeitie alone, but of all diuine a&tions andgood thingswhatfoeuer:and the Son renewechas the Mediator and mericer of ir. But it is hereafcribed to theholy Ghofi, be- caufe he is the immediate and next applyer of it to theconfcience, and therefore is more properly laid to renew. And yet where I fay,that in re- gard of the other perforas he doch more immediately apply this grace; it mu(i not be fo conceiued,but that he ordinarily dochwork it by means, voto the which alfo often the Scriptures afcribe theworkeof renewing. As t. theMiniflers arehis inilrumencs by whomhe begetteth men voto i.cor.ç.r¢ God : lo Pas!, I honegottenyou by the Gofpel, than is,.miniflerially. 2.The word and Sacraments are outwardmeanes which the Spirit vfeth to the r.Pec.a.a=, fame purpofe: And the word is hence called the immortallfeede of regene- ration;and baptinne called the wa(hing ofregéneration in the words be- fore, becaufe the Spirit in chete outward meanes waineth and regenera- tech. 3. Faith is the inward meanes,which theholy Gho(l working and exciting in vs, vfeth by it tobringhome to our hearts that which pro- perly renewethvs : fit}. t 5.hyfaitb hepurifieth our heart. Thus we fee how both theFather, the Sonne, the Spirit, theminiliers, the word and Sacraments, andour ownefaith renew vs: and how in their (cuerall fen- tes they are tobe truely andplainely conceived. All ¡nw, d Doc. t. All the workeof inward grace, in, or out ofhaprifine, is grace i in bap from the holy Ghoil. The thing that giueth force unto wafhingby wa- tiLne is tro tit,: holy chott. ter, is the renewing of the holy Ghofl, and this is regeneration indeede, t. Per. 3. át. Raptitruefaneth, but not the wafping of water, but the interroga- tion of a goodconférence : that is, the anfwer of a beleeuing heart , ac- knowledging thefe Sacraments to be feales and pledges of the righte- oufneffe offaith, and that inward baptifmewhich indeede fauech : A. 2.38. eflrnend your lines , andbee baptizedevery one in the name of lefues Chrifl for remion offnnes: but all this will not fetus the turne , vn- leffe the promifefollowing be made good; andyse fhallreceiue the gift of theholy Ghófl: a. Cor.6. i I. Such+ereyee, butyeeare wafhed,yeaare is- flified, ye arefanflified: but by what meanes, byshe waters of baptifine? No,,