Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epil. ofS. PasilloTitus. CHAR3.5. No, theywill not ferue to iuflification or fanó}ification, but by thefpirit 65z ofour God: and ifwe would tee this truthof both the Sacraments in one place,we haue it propounded, t.Cor. i 2.13. By one fpirit weary all bap- riz,ed into one badie: therefore not the water but the fpirit fetteth as into hebody of Chritl by baptiime : and wee are all made to drinks into one fpirit : and therefore the eiftcacieof the cuppe in the flipper is to be afcri- bed to the fpirit ofGod ; which fpirit when he withdraweth himfelfe, ' we may truely fay of thewater in baptifrne , as the Apollle fpeaketh of the bloodof bulls andgoater,that they cannot takeawayfnne. The true ma.. Hebaoq. teriall caufe hcreof,is the bloodof Chrifl, theholy Gholl inwardly ap- plying it veto the foule,and fo inwardly indeedbaptizing andwarning the conicience. i/fe. t. This do6lrine further ouerthroweth that Popifh doarine, Harinsi that the water in baptifine carrieth in it a forceand efficacie of wafhing I Rance. roche and fanaifying the foule. And as for all thole figures which Bellarmine 1ef varie relu producech to this purpofe,we (hall in few words fee them conclude di.. De Zaecr m. redlly againll himlelfe. Out of Gen. a. Thefpirit of God moored-Ion the waters, he concludeth, that as the waters concurred neceffarily Co the makingof all naturall things;fo the waters ofbaptifine neceffarily con- curreth to the conferringof the grace of regeneration in this fecond cre- ation. But who feethnot,that thefe waters were dead without the fpi- rits moouing?and who feeth not,that the fpirit is in baptiime which re- generateth,and not theelement, vnleffe a.bodily thing could properly workevpon a fpirituall. a. As for that in Gen. 7. t 7. The waters bare vp the Arke: whence 2 heconcludeth,that as the waters hada proper power to faue Noah and his family, euen fo thewaters of baprilnte properly faue. Bcfides the generali anfwer,that fimilitudes prooue nothing but ilfufrate; could Bellarmine,ifhe had looked into the text ,foboldly haue detracted frö the glory ofGod?which faith,that Noah foundgrace in the fight of the Lord, Gen.6.S.with theewill i (5rabiiíh my couenant, verfe18. that the Lord badhimgoeinto theArke , cap.y.t. that he (hut him in the Arke, I 6. that he remembred him in the Arke,andbrought him out of the Arke, cap.8.t.16. all is afcribed vnto thegrace, couenant,cominandeFsent,: hand, and remembrance of God,and not to thewater : and ifNoahhad beetle fauedby theclemencieof the waters, and their power of Ealing, Noah wasmillaken when he built analtar to the Lord, verf.2o.for bee fhouldhaue built his altar to the waters. And if we would follow here the Iefufte, we might makehimweary of his comparifon : Ifwe fhould fay, t.that the waters of the flood did for eueryperfon and creature that they faued, drowne a million, therefore the waters ofbaptifine for one they