Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

,CHAP. 3.5. cí9Conimentarie upon the 654 ' may not ws fpeake the truth ( retaining inour hearts and Ryle the retie- renceofthat holy ordinance) that the water in baptime further then loyned to theword,and applyed to this holyendeauthentically to Peale that which God bath engrauen vpon it,isno better vnto the vnbeleeuer then ordinary pumpewater. It is to Iewifh , andyet roo common, that di vie so aqua: regeneran. the religion& profefionofChrifiansfiaudeth for mofi part in outward fimPlio:edSa. flewe and glory, and fuch things as are made by thehands ofinen,wan- cramentalbid tin chat f iris and truth which is indeede the crowne of Chritiianity:. eftgratizdei g p qusmcd.ante and yet alas, what will the reprefentation of Chrills death and refurre ni+éaúradqua iou do good,if the venueandpower of is bewanting in the foule.Vn- fcnbendadfi. to thy outwardbaptifine,gec the heauens opened (as in the baptifrne of Pou.m Analyf. Cacec an h.ßafl. Chrifl d fee that the fpirit bath defcended vpon thee to the conuer- clogofthy foule,and begetting thee to a new life : for this,is the foule of bapcifine, without which it is a dead letter, and a fr}itlefl'e cere- monie. Vfe. 3. As it is with baptifine, fo is it with all ocher ordinances of God, no outwardmeanesoffaluation canbe effeituall , vrn¡efte the in- I wardworkeof the fpirit be added. Wehaue power to come and heare theword,but vnleffe theannoynting teachvs we íhall remainevntaught: I yea let theApolles themfelues preach, the Lordmuiworke with themal- tfa.sy,,t. I fo,ornothingwill bedone.Thefetwo,thefpiritofthe Lordvponvr,andhis wordinour mouthes,makevp a fweet harmony. And how is it elfe that . men after fo long powerfull preaching, and frequent hearing , remaine ignorant,hardhearced,rebellious ? furely the realon is becaufe the Lord 'giueth notan heart toperceiue;andbecaufe the fpirit bloweth not there,to give the feeing eye,and hearing eare;which where it is wanting, a man I may fit out as many fummons as Pharaohdid, andneuer the better, yea themore hardned.So in affl:étions and correLlions , which are durable and lingringon tmany,why do menprofit fo little , why doe they not o- ¡ pen thedoore ofdifcipliue,why arenot the rods of correction the tree of life to a number? furelybecaufe the fpiric' boareth not the Bare, he teachethnot the right vieofthem. Obiet,But what can 1 doewithal), if the fpirit teach, me not ? Anfw. The fpirit would not be wanting , ifmen would comepreparedly tobe taught.But I.men come without beleefe, andmingle not the word with ; faith ; and fo it becommeth vnproficable : or z. without repentance, Ptat,s0. i whereas the humblefhallhe taught inthe Way onely : or 3. without pray- I, er, and the fpirit powreth not out chele waters of grace , but vpon chir- flie grounds: or 4.ladenwith lulls,and then the fpirit will not fowe a- mong thorncs.And thus all themeanesoffaluationenioyed out of their holy vfe,are turned cogreater condemnation. Who art thou then that conten- t.'Oh ,x.z/. Marktó,zo,