Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpijileofS. Paul toTitus. contentei} thy felfe to come toChurch, to heart, to pray, to reade, kee- per} the Sabbaths,profefIIef} theGolpel, ro haue the countenance of re- Ii gious perfons,wheras in the meant time thou wantea the inward ma- iler, the fpirit offupplication, thepower of the Golpel? All is wrong with thee:thou hat} embraced a íhadow for the fubhance , and found as it were the cloathes of Chrif} , but thebody is rifen and gone. Begge at the hands ofGod therefore in all thy dutiespublike andprivate the pre - fenceofthe fpirit, who alone can worke the heart:wait for Gods teach- ing,for this is the way tobecome wife to faluation. Doflr.2.God in fauing vs from our mifery,renewethvs vetohis own imageofrighteoufnesand bolines: for he fauech vs by gluing vs vnto Godinfauing rentwerh men his forme ; and if any be in Chrift be muff become .s newe creature : which to his ovine i. new creator s called the newe man which afterGod e created and which n'a;c aCorS,r muf} be re donvs inknowledge after the image of him that created t3phq,a3, him: Colo . .9. The Apol}le Peter teachetkh vs that great and preci_ aweprornifes,namelyof lifeand faluation, are madevnte vr. But how come we to ye them? the next words thew, by beeing madepar_ takers of the ¡saine nature, and flying corruptions which are in the world a,Pct.r,q, through loft. This diuine nature is nothing elfe but the renewing of vs vnto the image of God, by which beeing freed from the corruption of theworld, we comeof earthly and fleetly , hcaucnly and diuine like vnto our Father, praé}ifing thole heauetsly qualities which God by his fpirit createth in vs filch as are the hatred of inne, loue of piery the contempt of theworld,and the breathing alter lifeeternallthy all which we feeme andafter a fort put onhis nature and image. The fame truth haue we confirmed by. Zachariah in his long , where he maketh this part Luk,,, -5, ofGods image fianding in righteoufnes and holines a fruit of our re- 1 demption and iußiGcation. Vfe. a. This doßrineletteth vs fee the abfolute necellitie of ourre_1 newing , without which there can be no faluation. 'oh, t, 5. Except a This necetfiùe man be borne againe of water and thefpirit het cannot bee faced. And the i. nor to be có. eemedof the re.afon is, becaufe by it as by an inward meaue,the Lord fetteth vs into sGnebnrofrhe the (lateof faluation. That wafhingof theDifciples feet was not onely thingfiwared. an example ofhumility,but a fymbole and reprefentationof this wa41h_ I ing away of Cures in this our renewing by the blood of Chril} : and j therefore Chri(} faith vntoPeter ,'If I wa/hthee not, thou haft nopart in race. And who can haue part inChrif} that will not part from his ¡ Ioha3.' foule Gnncs that he may be cleane ? which if it be true , how faire doe men delude themfelues,who thinkc they canwalke with Chrif} and haue part in him,and yet haueneither hand nor foote, head nor heart wafh- ed fcom guile. EverySimon Magus will thinke to hauepart in this bufi- neffe 1 -