Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

i CRAP.3.S. cí3Commentarie vpo.ss the . 656 ne%aswell asSimon Peter, and yet inwardly nourifh a bitter gall of iniquitie. But let no man henceforth deceiue himfelfe, for the (inner that will not be wafhed , bath no part in the kingdome of God and of Chr;ff. 1 Notes totde a. It affoardeth a triall whether a man be in the way of faluation chisfecrec or no; bee that is a new creature is in the wayof life. Obiel . But this worke cfGod y i;athycaste, is a fecrec worke of the fpirit, and how can waknowit. Anfw. Firf+, t thoumuff be borneagaine , towhich is required that God become thy Father in Chrifi; the Church thymother; the word theimmortall feed of which thou arc begotten ; there mull be aconception wherein Chrifi muff be formed in thee ; a birth wherein by the helpe of Miniflers as midwives thou muff be brought into this fpirituall worid;a delire of the flnceremilkeofche word drawne out of the twoTeflaro es thebrefls 1 Now thouart borne vetoGod : but what a parable is chi o ofthe mother : and after a delire of flronger meat to gr rongerby. manyeuen old men, Mailers andTeachers andRulers in Ifrael,who knowno nati- uity but oneofAdam and Eue, no progenie of God ,a141,,his Church: know no parents but fuch as beget earthly children viìacurall life; baiebornc,fonnes ofthe earth not knowing any heauenly Father, nei- therprinci pall norminiflcriall,bcgctting them to any heauenly life of grace or glory. st Secondly, after this birth all old things muff paffe away, and euery roh.3.ro, thingmuff becomenew; he that is waffled is aRcicane. And therefore a there muff be, a,a new light in the miede and vaderflanding , concei- :.c°`4'4' wing the chinos ofthe (pint ofGod. For as the further blinding of men, is a note and brand of a reprobate ; fois it a noté of one begotten to 2 God, to be renewedin I nowledge, Co1.3.9. Secondly , there muff be a newquality in the will,ready toheere the voiceof Chrifi in all things and obey it. The Scripturenoteth it a markeofan vngodlywretch , to Romp rr. be further obdurate and hardened; but he that is borne of God heaved; bit wards, Ioh.8.47. he carrieth a flexibleheart unto the word : and I. Ioh.2.29.he.ehatdothrighteou`Iy it borne of him. Thirdly, there muff be anewconuerfation tnauifelling the worker and fruits of the fpirit : a life lead in thepraélifeofraigning linne,and making thew ofthe workes Gals rs: of:belle/h, is a noteofhim that is lead by the flefh ; but bee that is borne (.21-God finnethnot, i.Ioh.3.9,he haft Pinne in him, but not raigning, Rom. 6.4. he doth (rune alfo,but r.it is not he ,but thefinne in him. 2. it is again[( his heart and intention. 3. he lyeth not in his Pinne, but his courir is according to the commandement,& a walking after the fpirit. 4 Fourthly, Theremua be uew affe&ions,as the loue ofGod,hatredofall Pinne efpecially inhimfelfe,loueof good asen,ofpietie,ofpurity, ache light: