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EpiflkofS.Psal to Ti1ta. CHAP.3.5. light: thewhole firff EpiffleofJohn beaceth vpon this point : for it is a note ofone in darkeneffe tohate the light,tohate the brethren, &c.men thinke ita found plea,when they ouerfhoote themfelues in affe6tions, (peaches, or aehons,ta fay they are flefh andblood,and they muff hate, and fpeake their mig &c. but if thou beef( no more then flefh and blood,thou (halt nearr come in heauen: Chriflians areofthe blood,and flefh, andboneofChriff , and thereforemuff Cubie& themfelues in all things to be ruled byhis fpiric.Fiftly,there muff be meanes vied to pre- ferue all chefe,as namely, thefpirir ofprayerandfupplication,Zach.t 2. to.a child new borne into thewor,jdcrieth prefently, and that which doch not is bill bornc,or adead child:and vnder this I comprehend a cheere- fulnesto all.the parts ofthe publike andprivate worfhip ofGod:where- as the Prophet mal#eth it a note ofa wickedman, that he calleth not vpon God,thatis be cafleth off the-whole worfhip ofGod.Wouldff thou then finde thy felfeto,be a new creáture, find this change that the clouds of darknes and ignorance are remooued ,that thou hail an heart offlefh, that thou findefl an abatement ofthy fumes and luffs,that thou haft hea- uenly morionstbat thouvfefimeanes carefullyof thy fpirituall life; that thou growefl by the nourifhment ofthe word, Sacraments, prayer, rea- ding,conference,and ocher exercifés ofgódlines and repentance;this is the wayoflife which thou hall (sappily found;;houart nowmuch nearer faluacion,then when thou Rift beleeued. VerC6. Which hefhed on vsabundantly , through Iefiu Chriff our Sauisur. To come to the right meaning iliPof this verse we mull explane fowre things. i.che gift bellowed, which, that is the fpiric,as the former words import. 2.the perron bellowing him, he, that is, God the Father, 3. the meafure ofthe gift, a.powredout, 2.plentifatly, or fhcd on vs abundantly. +the p'erfon meriting this gift ,that.is,Iefru Chrill, described here to be our Sauior,chrough Iefus Chrifl our Sauiour. Fitt+, the gift is the fpirit, or holyGhofl. 24. How can the fpirit be bellowed ? Anfw. in the fpirit two things-muff be confidered, a .his et(ence andperron. 2. his gifts'and efferas. The former cannot be con- ferred, for neither can his et(ence or-perfon be concluded in the whole frame ofheauen and earth,and much lef(e in thenarrow corners of mans hebeeing an infinite God equall with the father and the forme. But the latter may; for fo z .Cor.t.a. r a. the Apoille (peakingof fundry operatióñs and lifts faith, sellthefe things worked;thefamefpirit: and this phrafemutt be v ndçrfloodby an other, A6t. a. t y. where Peter allead ging the place out áfIoei, t. 28. Iwillpowre out my fpirit, thus expiai, neth it,1willpowre out am, fpirit, that is ,the fauing gifts andgraces of my, 657 5 Pfal,t.¡.r}. Synecdoche..