Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CttAr: job. e s coainaentarie von the 6S ! my fpirit: fuch as-here therenewing of thefpirit byUglification and fan. aification,ofwhichwe,fh.all heare more in the next verfe. The fecoridthing is the perfor3 beflo ,:ing the holy Ghotî; he: that is, the Fathcr,as ver. 4. who as he is thetoenta.ine of the deitie, fo of all good adtions and operations: Ioh, 14.26, But Kh''e--n the comforter !hall Yöba S.:b. come scheme the Fatherfballfend . 0bic6l'. But CfiIlIFfaith, that heewtll fend thefptritfrom the Father. efinf. This maketh rio difference in the thing: the fpirit proceedeth fir( from the father,as the fir(i in the Trini- tie,and from the Sonne as from the fecond in order in the Trinitie; and he onely exprefleth this order, when he faith , whomeIwillfendfrom the Father: for when the Father fendeth the ho1`ÿ Ghofi , it is by the Sonne, inwhom al our good is deriued,but not as by an inftruinent,but as from aprincipali efficient with the Father, onely the fecondin order from the Father. Thirdly, the meafure of the gift is notevk t.in that he is Paid to flied or povere himout:be faith not, be gaue, or communicated, or dropped, or fhowred,but powred him out:which noteth the liberality and plen- ty ofthe thing conferred,namely , of the graces of the fpirit , called by the name of the Spirit himfelfe, that we mrght conceiue of the bounti- Graees ofgods fulnes of our God,who feemeth rather to communicate the very foun- cówa o pared. Caine it felfeofgrace, then the (ireames acid riuers of ir.In which Meta- phor note by the way,that the graces ofthe fpirit arc here compared to warers,whichmoft properlyare powred out,and that not vnfîtly. For r. as water wafheth the filthines of the bodie , fo their graces as the pure waters of faneiification waft and clelage the foule from the corruption 2 and fin of it:Ezek.;6.25.1willpowrecleane water--- 2.waterbath a mu- rail quality toextinguifh heat,and quench the thir(ofman and beaft:fo only thefe waters bring with them refrefhing again( the hot wrath of God,which otherwife would prooue a confuwing fire:for he that drink; eth of this water fhall neuer thirfi more;that is, he !hall neuer widh that grace fooner whereofhe (hall not drinke to faciety. 3. water foteneth the earth,andmake it fruitfull: f'o thefe graces of the fpirit mollifie the heart,and fo fitteth it vnto allgood wallies , which are the fruits of the Yect7,6, fpirit;without which we (hould be as. the heath in the wilderues,and as a parched landwhich feeth not when any good commeth. But the fecond word whereby this immeafurable grace bc(owed is SpIn ,aid co fignified is the aduerb, abundantly;or(ifwe will goe nearer the origi- be p,,r"redout nail) richly: and fowhen theApo(le -writ this Epifile, the fpirit was in. f e" eQ`"C,. Ct e- deed abundantly powrecl ou-:and that in three refpeas. j in regard of the diuerfe kinds of gifts then ?owredout : as, 9. i The common gifts rfthe fpirit which all goodand badpartake in,were I in