Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epíflle ofS. Paa! to Till". CHA'P.3.6 in greater abundance then euer beforebefiowed,fuch as the giftsof illu- mination,outward calling,profefiìonof the truth,common,and generals faith. 2. The tnore efpeciall gifts of fan8ification the which our text mofi aimeth at,as offaith, regeneration, loue,hope, &c. for fo the Apo- file feemeth to refiraine thegraces he fpeakethof,faying, on vi who are renewed by the holy ghofi :As both theProphet Ioel, and Peter (peaking the fame thing feeme todoe : the onementioningmyferments, my hand- maid: ; theother fpeakingof fuch as inuocate and call vpon the name of the Lord:and to this purpofewe might Phewwhat a number were daily converted, and how in thofe dayes the kingdome of Godwas taken by force. 3. Moreextraordinarie andmiraculous gifts , which were more proper to thofe times,and in great abundancedifiributed,are here inclu- ded;as,the giftsoftúgues,of healingdifeafes,caling out deuils, prophe- fying,command ofdeath after a fort to rake and leaue mens bodies, and fundrie fuch other,very frequent then,aboue all times before or fence. Secondly,thefe gifts wereplentifully powred out in regard of theper_ fen: andpeople vpon whom they were conferred:not now vpon forme few Iewes or handful ofpcople,as before Chrifisafcenfion,but vpon allflrfb, faith Ioel, z.z8. vpon euery nation vnder heauen,faithPeter.Now both Iew and Gentile, bond and free,circumcilion,vncircumcifion,all refpe61. and acceptation ofperlons remooued, haue equal! part and promife in thefegraces. Thirdly, in regard of the means, inwhich the fpirit now conuaied thefe graces, that is, the word, Sacraments, and minifierie of the newe Tefiamenr, which farteexceeded in glorieall that minifterie that euer was before it. For in former timethey (awe in their minifierie things a farte off, in types,fhadowes,clouds; but we fee the gloryofChrifi with Open face,all vailesare rent,and theearth úfilled with the knowledge of God,euen as the waterscouer the (ea.And to this our Apofile bath refe- r rence, doubtleffe callinghiseye vpon that plentiful) graceof regenera- tion,which euen in baptifine was, and is conferred untobeleeuers. The fourth thing in the meaning, is the perfonprocuring this about). dant grace larva, and that is left"Chrift our Saviour; for what good thing foeuercan be derived fromGod vntovs,it muff beby a Mediator, and fuch a oneas muff be humbled for finne, and railed from finne : the former in bis death and pallion for finne,the latter in refurreótionand a- fceofion from finn: and in both thefe regards the LordChrift obtaineth for his Church thefe graces, e. as a redeemer by themerit ofhis pafl.îon: z. as an interceffor by the efficacieof his requefts,which now, after his a- fcenfionhemaketh for theSaints:therefore is it faid,that the Father fen- deth theSpirit in the nameof his Sonne, Ioh. r4. z6. Whome theFather T c t will 659 a 3 II III Ifios p,