Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Clrnp.3.6. c.4Cornmentarievpon the 66o willfend innoyname : that is, theFather fendeth the Spirit through the Sonne, both as aMediator, and as an Intercef(or : bothwhich workes fo foone as he hadaccomplifhed, it was no maruell if the Spirit through fuch merit of paillon, and efñcacie of intercefïion, was to plentifully powred out vpon his bodie the Church; as we reade accomplilbed, A6Lz.z. DoEfr. i. Thegraces ofthe fpirit are plentifully powred out vpon Ceri{i was no vs, asout of a full and rich mercie. For i. we haue the accomplifhment must to the I(radiees,but of many prophefies andpromifes, as, Ira. 11.9. Dan. 1 z. 4. many pro- GiVINVntov.. phefiics were then fealed, and the booke ¡hut vutill the tearme of time: but thenmany fhould run toand fro, and knowledge fhould be encrea- fed. z. We haue the truthof many types and refemblances, as of the Ezstc47. waters running fromvnder the threfholdof the Sané}uarie,fill riling to encreafe: and ofthe proceedings of the newe Teilatnent, typified in the cloud which at the fiat appearance was no bigger then a mans 3 hand, but after rife to that greatneffe , as tocotter the whole heauens..3: If we compare our Church with that ofthe lewes, we (hall obferue,that the Lord didbut droppe and fprinkle thefe graces here and thereupona few perlonswhere he pleafed; but now bath powred out his Spirit, and opened a fountaine ofgrace to the houleof Iudah and Ierufalem, euen for all true beleeuers. And here that (peachof Iohn, 7. 39. is verified, The Spirit was not gosenyet , 6ecanfe the Sonne was not yet glorified: that is, in comparifonhe was not giuen before,but fo fparingly, as in refpe 5t of this powringout, he might feeme not tobegiuen at all:fo allo is that r,Per.i,to. place ofPeter to be vnder flood Ofwhichjaluation the Prophets haste in- quired fearching andprophecying of that grace thatfhoold come unto yea: not that themfelues had no contolation of that grace, which by the eie ofprophetic they forefaw to light in abundance vpon the Church ofthe neweTeflament, but becaufe in comparifon it came tovs , andwas not accomplifhedvoto them. To this purpofe Chrifl hirofelfe pronounceth bleffedneffc vponhis hearers,whofe cares and eiesheard and raw things. Luiósaa4 which many Kings and Prophets defired to heare-and fie , bnt could not. And Paul faith, that our Minifieriefarre pafeth theirs inglorie, who were but vnder rudimentsand inprinciples, andelements, if compared with vs. Obieíf. But the bet+ofvs arebut children in knowledge, faith, obe_ dience,toAbraham, and the reti of the Prophets, and fundric belee- uers among them. e/infw. If we compare perfon with perfon, it is true inmany of them; but compare Church with Church, they were but children unto vs. O6ieEf. But anumberof men haue no grace at all,andothers avery (mall meafure, and the bell not fo much, but they find