Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epaffle ofS. Paw/lo Tritar. finde themfelues (}ill to Band in necde oft-note. Anfw. This preiudiceth 1 66z not the generali truth : for I. God powrcrh out his grace abundantly, though moll men let it fall to the ground to their deeper damnation. 2. The Church ofthenew Te(lament hath abundance,te which whilemen will not ioyne themfelues in foundnes & finceritie,but hang themfelues to it by outwardprofellion alone, as a fient tyed to a tree by a thred ra- ther then grafted into it ; what meruell if theybe emptie of grace ? ;. He that recciueth the leaf+droppe oftruegrace hash abundance,not per- haps in regardof hismeanes :but the fmallefi meafure is in it felfe abun- dance:for the leaft droppe ofthefewaters (hall be as a well fpringing vp to lifeeternall;which if it kindly finke into the foule , out of fuch a mans bellie (hall Howe riuersof water of life : which things( faith Iohn ) fpake Chri l+ ofthefpirit ,which they thatbeleeued in himfhoxld receiae : fo LA740. that although fosne hauemore,fome haue letfe,yet he that bath any , he that bath the leaf+ true gracehash abundance. Vfe. z. If fuch plentie of grace be powred out upon vs; our care Ourincreafe muf+ be to be found anfwerabletherunto,that according toour propor- eon ónibloto tion our encreafe may be to we inay not thinke the returne ofone ta- the gracc,fo lent fufftcient,ifwe haue receiued flue or ten; fecing where much isgi. plentifully uen,much willbe required. Hath the Lord fo richly flied out his fpirit, that whereas the moll excellent Patriarchs faw Chri(+ onely a far off,the moll Pimpleofour age may fee him in the wordand Sacraments cuen crucified beforehis eyes; and will it not be expeé+ed , that in all things wee fhould hee made rich in him? And thushaue we minifired voto vs a groundof examination, whether we finde the fruits andworke of there waters upon vs. When Ioel prophecyedofthe powe ing out of this fpi- rit, marke what wonderful) effedìs he foretold fhould follow: That fons anddaughters, feruants, and maids, olde andyoung fhouldprophetic, fhould feevifions, fhould dreame dreams : and accordingly at the firti accomplifhmeot of thispredié+ion ;what vnderfianding?whar illumina- tion ? what tongues? what miracles ? what conuetfiou toGod follow- ed ? fometimes many hundreds , fometimes many thoufands wonne at one fermon; and how violently was the kingdome taken? We now haue thepowringout of the fame fpirit, and moreplentifully then they or anyage or countrieeuer finde: but wherebe there fruits and cffeós, whereor towhome incomparifon, is the armeof God made bare , or fhineth that excellent reuelationof themyfleries of faluation ? where is that faith andacknowledgement of Iefus Chrif+, whichpaffetballprophe- fie, tonguesand miracles; yea arebut dongue co that excellent knowledge of Chrif>x, whichpafah all knowledge? We behold indeede theglorie of j,lP111; S's. the Lord with open face, but how fewe are transformed into thefame ,cór.g.ra. T t 2 mage?