Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Ctser.;.6. .e.--- Ira11.15. ACa entarie vpon the mage? Lookeanyway vpon the hues ofmoll men , andwc cannot but demurre of the truth of the do&rine. Ifwe oblerue in themultitude the high atheifine , contempt of God and his word , his Sabbaths, Sacra- ments, Mini(lers, and his whole worfhip , if we linen veto the curled oaths and imprecations, if wecall our eyes vpon the iniuflice, pride, ri- ot, hatred , and earthlineffe, which dwelled) euery where with men:can we now conceiue other, but that the wicked fpirit which ruleth in the world of the difobedient, is abundantly powred our, rather then this pure fpirit here mentioned ? And if we behold the numbers of men, who (corneand powre contempt on fuch as haue received the fmalle(i meafureof thefegraces; can we thinke that fuch abundant grace is pow- red vponmen on earth, teeing the moll feeke vnder the titles of fchifme or herefie,to hurt it and banifh it fromoffthe faceof theearth? Or yet if we further looke vpon men, that make Phew of receiuing competencie of thefewaters, who are yet neuer a whit wafhed, nor euer a whit the clearer ; they come toChurch and hence, they teem to likegood things, and walke in ciuill conuerfarion; but in regard ofthe foundeffe of their hearts, we wafh bricks; or Ethiopians, and lookeall our labour :may we not now well atke, where is the abundance ofthis grace we fpeake of? Or if we looke at fuch as haue receiued true grace, howfoeuer theLord will bring it to fomething in the ende, yet we can fcarfe fee on them or in them any fuch abundance, but like lirait necked veffells they receive it but drop by drop,although it be powred on themwith ful buckets.We fieldome fee profeffors like trees ofrighteoufneffe laden with the finites of the fpirit, or walkingor (landing in Gods orchyard of the Church in a conflant courfe offruitfulneffe:but now and then ingood moods fome worksofpietie andmercie may be found in their hands: and the bell of men come farce fhort oftheir warring in their encreafe.Ifthe fpirit were powred out from abone, would it not make our wilderneg-es friutfuB fields ? Oh let vs bewaile our ownevncapabaleneffein the fence ofour wants,& euery man vrgehis owne heart: Is the fpirit powred out onmy foule? he is the fpirit of light and illumination, I fhould then bee filled withall knoNlcdgeof God:ire is the fpirit of grace,compuné&ion, and compa(ïi- on, I (hould thereforebe much and often in the exercifes of repentance and a brokenheart: he is the fpirit of fan&ification I fhould therefore abound in all holy conuerfation : he is the fpirit ofconfolation,I fhould thereforeexceed with true and foundioyand peace ofgood confcience he is the fpirit ofloue,and therefore I fhould powre out workes ofloue andmercy abundantly,ifhewereabundantly powred out on my foule.. Thus fhould euery man examine his owneheart. a.Ifvpon this examination we feele not this plenty ofgrace,we mull be-