Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

C .3.6- t/1Comwentarie upon the f 664 EZCC.47. Iod.3.rs. Ifa.ta.4 Chtüi our tout the fountain of all ourwafarC. Pala; ?.2. 1011.1.16. Art thou minded tobe rich in grace, then mull chou vfe the meanes, fre- quent the placesand pipes, where thefe waters Howe. Que. Where (hail we bane them ? e4nfw. They rumie from under the threQ,oldofthe Santluarie, and the ordinarie pipes wherein the Lord in.greateff abundance conuaieth them, are the word and Sacraments in their right and reuerent vfe. TheProphet Ioci having fpoken ofthefea- bundant waters , leadeth his hearers by the hand to the quickefpring where they rife, In that dayfhall all the rioters ofludah ruinwith waters, & afeuntaine{hallrun outofthe haufooftheLord, and waterthe valleyofSittim, where the choice Cedars were, betokening the treesofrighteoufneife within the paleof the ChurchofGod.Here then is the place where thou maift draw*with iey waters out of thewells ofconfolation : all in theplu_ rail number, waters, wets, becaufe here is promife made of more abun- dant biding. And yet while thy plough goeth abroad, thou mail}not be idle withindoores, for the Lord wouldeuer haue a Chriflian on the gathering and gaining hand; and therefore bath appointed private in- t }ruion in the family, private prayer, private meditation, private rea- dingand conference,(thines fcarfefed among Chri(}ians, though they force can be Chriftians that vfe them not) and bath promifed 3, that where and when two or three be thus gathered in his name, he will be prefent : and he is nowhere emptie handed: yeawhere one man apart Ihuccing hisdoore, praieth or meditateth alone,the Lord feeth in fecret, and repaieth his pineswith fuch (+ore of grace, as all men may feehim openly rewarded: yea Ictaman bemoli alone(ifin fuch duties) heis in moil comfortable companie and fellow (hip with the Lord. Dollr. a. All the grace that is bellowedon vs is by meanes of Iefus Chrift: forwith him is the fountaine andheadfpring ; yea he is the head which fendeth life, fence, motion, and direr` ion into all the members: refembled in that holy oyntment which ran downe from Aarons head and beard euen to the skirts ofhis garment. The Euangelili after he had. affirmed that Chrifi wasfullofgraceandtroth, addeth that of his fuineffe we receiuegrace for grace: fo the Apofile, Colof. 2. g. t o: lihim duel- leth thefables of the godhead bodily, and wee are compleat in bins. But how comewee to (hare with him in it?The next words declare it,which is the head ofall principality andpower; as though hehad laid, becaufe inhimfelfe hebath the well-head of glorie andmaiellie, the which be- commeth ours in that he is allo the head of his Church. And as here our Apofile in general concludeth,that all the graces ofregenerationare throughhim, fo were it eerie inparticular to goe through the relf ofthe graces, and obferue them in the Scriptures all afcribed to chis proper caufe. As, I. peacewith God and our felues,Rom. S.I. a. entrance and acceffe