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EptfileofS. PateltoTitter. acceffe voto the Father through him, Eph.2.t 8. 3. wifedomeand vnder- (landing whereby God in himpnrpofed to enrich vs. Eph. t. 8. 4. confo- lation and comfort which aboundeth throughhim, 2. Cor. r.5. 5.erer- nall 'faluation, which is thegift of Godthrough lefus Ckrrg, Rom. 6.2 3. But in inch a plaine do6trine we will fpendno more time. Thole gene- rali places will fauevs that labour, Ephef. I. 3. who bath in Chrifi blef- fed vs with allfpirituali blefiings : and Rom. t I.36. for ofhim, and tho- rough him, and for him are all thing, : and, r. Cor. t. 3o. bee is made of God vetovs, wifedome, righteoufoeffe, fanétification, and redemp- tion. 7Jfe, T. Want we any grace ? call upon God in the name ofChrifl, whatfoeueryet amke the Father in my name, hee wiagiue it vntoyou: get Chrif} to be thine owne, become a true beleeuer, that thoumailt in him beginne thy prayer with Ourfather, this is the way to be rich in grace. What a change was there in Zacheut,whenas onceChriflcame veto him? whereas before there was nothing inhimbut iníuftice,oppre1Ton, forging, and whatfoeuer was naught: now we fee faith, loue, iuflice, mercie, rellitution, reformation, yea with faluation.eucry grace accom- panying ir. 2. Half thou receiued any fpirituall grace? facrifice not unto thine owne net,but be thankefull vetoGod in Chrift. This theApoftle reach- eth in his ownepra6life in the former place to the Romanes: ofhim, and through him, and for him areall things, tohimbeglorieforever. 3. Takeheedof quenching that grace,neirhergreiue that good fpi- rit of God by thy finne, for thou camel& hardly by it : for Chrifi mull come downefrom heauen, humblehimfelfe to the death, rife againe,af- cend, and now make continuall intercelion, before bee could procure thee the leaft grace. A thing very little thought of. Verf. 7. That webooing iufhifredbyhirgrace,fiouldbee made heirer ac- cording to thehope oferernalllife. Now follow theends, why we arebrought into this new condition, which are two: r, our iuflification before God, 2.the purchafe of life e- ternal(, In the former are tobe confidered, r.what is meant by iuitifica. tion. 2.what by Grace. 3.the doEtrines, Iuftification is the abfolutionof a (inner from his fin,and thepunifh- ment of it , by the fatisfaEtion of Chrifi theRcdeenier,apprehended by faith. t. The abfoluingof a firmer: this the Apoßie decfareth when he oppofethveto it accufarionandcondemnation ,/t is God that infhfi- eth,whofhallcondemne ?for teeing a man bynature, and the curled pra- dtifeof finne, is depriued of the glorie of God,andcannot but heape vp wrath agaiuft the dayof wrath: beforeeuer he can come to a comforta. T t 4 ble CHAp.3 6. 665 In thywantbeg grace at his hands. Ioha6.s3. In thy fupplie be thinkdull varo him, Rom.tt.36. Iufification what. Rom.8.33.