Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

'I..HAP.3. f Cenwnearie vpon 666 ble elate, hemul be acquitted neceffarily of the ga and curie of his finne, both in the high court of heaueu, where God i. the fupreame Indgc, as alfo in the inferiour court and confitiorie of his owne confci- ence. Now if it be asked,how the (inner (hall be thus abfolucd; the ref} of the words of the definition declare. For z. I adde, it is by the fatisfa- füon of Chri,2"the Redeemer, wherein arecontained both the matter, and forme of the íuflification of a (inner. The matter, is Chri(ls fatisfa6tion, his obedience inhis life, in his death; in fulfilling the lawe, and in s'uffe- riing for our not fulfilling it; and the merit ofail manifefled in his refur- reEtion and glorious afcenfion. Theforme, is the imputing of that obe- dience,whereby the righteoufnesof Chri(l doth now become the belee_ uers as truely and really by imputation,as it was Chri(ls owne in a6tion. So as it is no legall iuflice, which requireth perfonall obedience in the (lraightefl tearmes ofthe lawe; but Euangelicall, whereby the beleeuer fatisfiethby the merit of a Mediatour, & in the perfonofa furety;which facisfaEtíon is accepted,as though it were performed in his own perfon. And thus the cure is proportionable to the difeafe : that looke as by the fir(l Adam finne went oucr all, who are naturally borne ofhim , namely by imputation and propagation;euen foby the fecond Adam iuflice and righteoufneffe is imputedvnto all which are fupernaturally borne of him, And 3.I adde,that this fatisfa6tion ofChril, , apprehended byfaith, theproper worke ofwhich grace is, as by anhand to receiue Chri(l with his merits, andbringhim home into theowne heart:whenceit is that to belecue in Chri(l,and to receive him,are put for oneand the fame thing, Iob. I. a. it is the mouth of the foule whereby we care and drinke his flefh andblood, Ioh. 6 yea fuch a fpeciall in(irument to this purpofe, that it is laid in fundrieplaces to iuftifie vs, by laying hold on the merits ofChrill which properly iullifie : and we by it though not for it are laid to berighteous. wbackmeant Secondly, by Grace inScripture, fotnetirne is meant thegs by grace. that is, any good gift which proceedeth from the fauour & loue of God towards man , whetherprivative, with- holding mills deferued,or good things which we would abufc; or elfcpofithee s and thele either generall andmore common: as giuento ele8t and reprobate, fuch as the gift of tongues,learning,prophecie,rniracles, &c. or morefpeciall,wherby only they that are to be faued arediflinguifhed. As namely, that firft and e- ternal' graceofele6lion; and that fecond grace whereby fuch asare ele- 6ted and giuen to the Sonne,are is due time by effe&uall vocation,iufti- fication, and fanaification,lead vntoglorie and faluation. All cheleare t.Paaq.va of his grace, whomPeter calleth the God of allgrace. But there is yet another graceofGod, which is no gift infufed intovs, but refideth in God