Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

lJfiAF.3.7. 668 2 3 Coattmentarieupon the as in the feat of it; and it is tobe marked , that what the Apoflle here callethgrace , he giueth three titles vnto it in the former verle : all of them without our (clues , and peculiar voto God himfelfe: r. bounti- fulnes, z.loue, ;.mercy : and not only this place,but fundry fuch paralel places Chewplainly,that bygrace cannot bemeant any thing infufed in- to vs,but only a free fauour in God acceptingvs as righteous : a.Tim.i. 9.who bathfated vs,and calledvs withan holy calling, not according to our works, (markeby the way that exclufiue) but according to his ownepurpofe and gracegiuen vr; but when ? before theworldwar. Let now any manof common fence fay,whether this grace whereby we are faued,be any gift ofgrace infufedvetovs, voles it could be infufed before the world was, orwe were in ir. Secondly, this conceit confoundeth twodiflinet things, namely,cur rnffifieatien, and fanElification:which the Apoffle diflìngui(hech, t.Cor. 6.1 r. andRom.s.are noted two things which befell vs by Adams (inne,. I.theguilt ofthat time. 2.the natiue corruption or proneneffe andpro- penfity to any other finne,as a lull punifhment ofthe former:andaccor- dingly he diffinElly notech two things,that by the fecondAdam are re- bored vnto vs : the former is freedorne andabfolution from that guilt, which is our iuflification beforeGod : and the latter is the repairing of Gods image, which is called regeneration, which is here imperfeel , but (hall be hereafter railed to that legal( righteoufnes fromwhence we tel: implying vetovs; that aswe muff recaine the diflinQion betweene the guilt and corruptionof finne,foalto muff we between the freedomfrom the one and theother:whicb thispopifh interpretation confoundeth. Thirdly,this interpretationofthe phrafe by theRomifh ceachers,ma- keth the iuflification ofa (inner falle again(+ chofe twomain rules which in Scriptureare afcribedvnto it. r. whereas the righteoufneffe of God t mademanifeffwithout the law, Rom.; .21. this (hall be falfe, for the law reuealeththat righteoufneswhich is by inherit qualities, gifts ofgrace, or thehabit oflooe.2.whereas the iuflificationofa finncr,is by a righce- oufnef awhich fatisfieth the iuflice ofGod :fuch a righteoufneffe as this cannot doe fo:for our befl inherentrighceoufneffe is mingled with cor- ruption,isvery imperfeéf,farre from that which the lawe requireth,and farce from that whichGod acceptech; who neuer accepteth but fuch as bring perfe&righteoulnefle, either oftheir owne , or ofthe Mediators. All which I hauepropounded for the right interpretationofthis phrafe, becaufe it nippeth in the head all that Popifh deuife of iuflification by, works, foderogatorie to this Apobolicall iuflification by grace,as they canno fooner be reconciled,then can fireand water, light and darknes: and that abandoning fuch tricks ofmens brains, we might come tocon - eeiue