Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpifldeofS. Paul toTitus. CHAP. 4,7. ceiue the truth of this fundamentall doctrine, as the Scriptures haue 669 taught vs toconceiueofit. DoEfr. The righteoufneffe of a firmer beforeGod, is not any quality Thett- hteouf in the beleeuer,but that which the Lord imputeth & accepteth through esocä firmer bis Tonne. For , i.the Apoale here fpeaking ofrenewing of beleeuers no quality in inwardly and in truth,yet afcribeth not their righteoufneffe thereto,but the beleeuer. attributeth it wholly vnto grace. And ifwe fpeakeofthe righteoufnes ofa finner before God,regeneration is indeed a companion ofit,but no Gratiaiuftificit part of it: befides,he faith not we are iuflified by grace,but by hisgrace; io which is mien his gracious accepting of vs inhis Sonne, & not for thofe Tunb r°tgiuede,in graces which he worketh invs, which areoars after he huh once giuen "obi9obieaiué tantum incft them. 2. Whereas theApofile,Rom.i.7. faith, that by theGofpel the 2 righteoafnefJeof God is resreded, by this righteoufneffe cannot be meant that iultice of his, whereby he fatisfieth himfelfeagainfi fione:for that is more manifeft in the law,& theGofpel is a kindofmitigation of it: nei- ther any righteoufnes,though ofGod in man,which properly is not cal- led the righteoufnes ofGodbecing imperfe& in part,andmingled with much ftaine offinne: & therefore necetfarilymuft be meant ofthat righ- teoufnes whichhimfelfe imputethandaccepteth a firmer perfe6tiy righ- teous in;which is able to acquit him before the barreofhis iudgmenr,as no quality in the beleeuer is able todo. 3.This Euangelicall righteouf- 3 neffe, which fully acquitteth vs before God,is oppofed to our own bell righteoufneffe : Philip. 3.9. not baiting mineownerighteoufnefe ,which is PP1.39 b the laws, butthat which is by faith in Chriff: which place is worthy ex ou"dea. our further opening,as anotable decider ofthis maine controuerfie be- tweene our aduerfariesand vs. In which it is plaine , that the Apoßle fpeaketh oftwo kinds ofrighteoufneffe:the one which is a mans owne, not hawingmine rwne: the other which is an others , and that is Gods , or Chrifts. The former, he calleth the righteoufneffe of thelave, namely, whereby aman through obferuationofthe law is accounted righteous:. and in this Paul would not be foxed: not that he would not be found fruitfull in good workes,but he wouldnot be iudged b-y them, they be ing incompanfonofthe lawes purity andperfeebon aRained clout.The latter, in whichPaul would befound that he might finde acceptation in the fight ofGod,isnot his owne but an others.. a. not obtained by an* works,noc excepting the belt; but apprehended byfaith , which cannot be laid to layhold on any thing withinvs,but fomething which is with- out vs. 3.it isofggodthrough faith , that is, fuch a one as God freely through his Chritt giuethvs,and maketh ours, not byputting it into I s,. as othergraces,but by imputing it intovs,and by this meansacquitting v:: and a.offuch aperfon,that is Godas wellas man, feeing other ,ife euery