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CHAP. 3.7. 670 AeylZ+s9:i. Pxod.3*.r3. Rom.s.ar. t..9Commestarie vpon the eucry man is depriuedof the glory ofGod. Thefe two the Apoflle eue. ry where fo oppofeth , that wbofoeuer cleaueth to the one falieth from the other , and whofoeuer will be iullified by the righteoufneffe of the lawe, is abolifhed fromChria: which muff not be fo conceiued, as that they are not molt friendly and necefrarily knit in the fame iu(lified par- ty;buc that in the a6l ofiufiification,theycan nomore agree together to the prefenting ofa (inner righteous beforeGod,then can the moll con- trary things in nature be accorded in the fame naturali (ubie6t. Obielt. But the Papifls cannot endure the word ímparation, or that one (hould Band righteous by anothers righceoufnes,no more then one can be learned by another mans learning. enfw. What blindne(re is come on them that cannot endure the Scriptures phraf ; Pfal. ;2,r, Blered it the man to whom theLord imputeth not fiinne; 2 Cor.r. t 9. God .rat 1 in Chrift reconciling the world vnto himfelfe,not imputing their(inner vnt. them: and the phrale ofnot imputing bane, and imputingofrighteouf- nes is repeated in Romans 4.tenne times;to as they muff needs be fitan- gers in the Scriptures to whom it foundeth flrangely. Againe,although there be in men who are fingular perforas , proprietyof learning ,wife- dome,and gifts ;yet there is acommon righteoufnes between Chrifl and the beleeuer ;who now art not two, but one flefh, bnne,and body. Nei- ther need it feemefo Grange as theymake it,for the Lord to impute votes a tnan,that which is not his owne: for we fay that nothing is imputed to vs, but that which is our owne: but a thing is ours two wales, i.by infu- fion, inherence,or adherence; or a.by account or reckoning;which ma- keth another mans as truly ours,as if it were inour owneperfon : as ap- peoreth in paying a debt ofa thoufand or hundred pounds by a furety, which as fully and freely difchargeth vs of it in reckoning andaccount, as ifour own perlonsand hands had paid ir. And thus was he who knew ro floue made finne for vs, that we might be the righteoufnes ofGod in him. Obiec'. But this is ag:infl the Scripture, which faith that God will not iaflifiethe fanner, that is, account him lull, who is not fo; and Paul faith, that we aremade iaff and therefore not reputed only. Anf. The Scripture faith alto, Rom. 4. S. That God iwtifteth the vng®dy: and therefore this is topicke a quarrell at the Scriptures themfelues ra- ther then at our do&Trine. The truth is , that God iuflifieth not the wic- ked while he is fo, while he is confidered in himfelfe, whilehe wanteth both inherent and imputed righteoufneffe : but this hindreth not, but that after loch a one is changed and let into Chrill,who is made his righ- teoufneffe, bothhe is accounted as he is indeede righteous in the fight ofGod. As for that ofPaul,faying that many re M A n s righteous, the next