Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

EpijVeofS. Paul to Titras. CHAR 3.7. next words loofe theknot namely , by the obedience of one , that is of 6 Chritt imputed voto vs. Neither can that which they fay that by this our doélrine a man thatl beboth a godly and vngodly, a Mil and vniva per- fon;any way cloudand vaile this truth to anvnderflanding acquainted with the Scriptures:for why may we not grant what they fay as true in a diuerfe refpe&? teeing the beleeuer is by nature thechild of wrath , by the grace of regeneration renewed indeed but in part:and yet by the gift of Chritts righteoufneffe, of whom he is a member, perfebtly nit} in the fight ofGod. Vfe. r. Hence we learne, how to conceiue fuch texts as wherein Tome infufed grace is Paid to iu(ifie vs , as faith isoften Paid fo to doe: but not for the worke, nor the worthinesof it ; but only as it is a meaner apprehending this righteoufnes and grace ofGodmentionedwhich in no`abtoifir',` deed iuttlfieth. True it is,chat true faith is in it felfe a rare grace , and of ica ;1 cue, great pterogatiues , and excellent in the fruits, effeF.tua,ly working by ß,,,,,ßn eEfiti loue, hope, patience, feareof God, and fuch like; but yet cannot in , or enao,fcd.ffo;- du for it felfe, or by any ofthefebring vsboldly into the prefenceof God, andu&'PPtj but only by beleeuing that Chrifis righteoufnes imputed veto vs,is our iuflificatiou before him.z.Whereour iuflification isafcribed to inherent graceandworks ofrighteoufnes;as where Abraham is laid to be itfflift- t,m.:.sr. edbywork r;fuch places cannot be meant of the iullificationof theperfon himfelfe beforeGod, but of the faithoftheperfon beforemen : for if any workeiuftifie before God , of necefïcie it mutt be a perfeét worke, and proceede from aperfon perfe&ly iullified and fan6ified as Abraham himfelfe whenhe offredhis fonne was not : the true meaning of that place is this,Abrahamwas iuttified by workes,thac is,he tettified byhis workes that hewas by faith iullified in the fight of God. Vfe. z. We learne hence further where our righteoufneffe is laid vp for vs, Ifai. 4S. 24. In the Lord I bane righteoufneffe and /Irength, the whole feede of Ifraelfhallbe itsflifiedand glorie in the Lord. Of our (clues wearedefperate bankrupts, and haue not one (arching tomake ttraight withall; which the Lord feeing , hedealeth with vs as with chofe two debterswho had nothing topay, heforgineth vs all. Behold then the Luk742 Sonne ofGod,fet out thypropitiatorie, Rom.3.z5.get the lintelsofthy foule fprinkled with the blood ofthis immaculate lambe,and thou fhalt efcape the llroake of the reuenging angel:caR away chine owne ragges, and ifever thou wouldeRget theblefling,wrap thy felfe in this garment ofthy elder brother, and when thy father (hall fauonr the (melt of thy gatments,he (hall blefte thee, and fay, Beholdthefinell of my fonne is as Gcn.27n7. thefmell ofa field which the Lord bathbleffed: feare not to be compleat in himthis long white robeneedeth noeeking, needeth no patching: fay