Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

CHAP.3.7. 672 Chriaand fa. 'ling graces are no circurnl}an. ccs,but the fhb- fianceof all re. tiglon. r m 1 1e1<np4Bx- taes. Hzrcditas el} fueeel$o in vni uerfuro ius de funQi. c_4 Commei?tarie vpon the fay with that holyMartyr,and liue and die with it in thy mouth , oney Chrift,oncly Chr>fl. Vfè. 3. Seeing here falleth to the ground whatfoeuer can be ioyned in theworkeof iuftification with the merit andobedience ofChritt, as any rnauer or meaues &meriting the fauourofGod, we mutt bewareof euer ioyning with the Popifh religion , who by their doi nine of-merits and humane fatisfablions,abrogace the death of Chrift, &are abolil}:ed from him: lee Gal.ç. 2.4.r r.Ifwe can any way iuftifieour felues, or fa_ tisfie for our felues, the death ofChritt was vaine : It is therefore as fate ioyning with theTurkifh religion as theirs. If it be Paid , the difference is not fo great as you make it;I anfwer,thatwe differ not in circutnfian- ces,but in fuch a fundamentals point,as if the Apofllemay be iudge,one ofvs muff needes befallen fromChrift , and haue no part in him : what then wil it auaile to profeffe thearticles of faith,and co be the Church of God? vnlef a that can be a truc Church which is abolifhhed fromChrift, and fallen from grace. Shoald bemade heires according to the hopeoflifeeternal!.] In theft words is laid downe the fecond endeof that new condition intowhich beleeuers are brought. In which for the meaning two parts muttbe confidered.i.The right andpriuiledge ofbeleeuers, who bceing once iulifiedby faith are made heires oflife eternal!, a. their prefent te- nure ofthis their inhcritance,byhope. For the former : The word heire in the Ertl and proper fignification betokeneth a Iot,aud is vied fometimes in the new Teftament with allu- fon voto the twclue tribes,whofe portions were diuidcd& difiributed voto themby lot,as Eph.z. r r.whence that people weremore peculiarly called the lines andheritageof the Lord,as whom himfelfemadeparta- kers ofall the good things ofthat land : and by proportion thole alto who by faith laid, or (hall lay hold vpon his couenant,for all thofe fpiri- tuall and eternal! good things fhadowed out thereby. But commonly it fignifieth thole whoafter amans death fucceed him in his goods and poffeffions; efpecially children , whole right it is to inherit their fathers lands and poffeffions : and thus mutt we become heires by becomming the tonnes and childrenofGod. Nowwhereas children are either na- tured or adopted, our title to this inheritance commeth in by the graceof adoption,feeingChrift is the oncly naturali formeas we confeffein our Creed; and the phrafe ofthe text is obferuable, which faith, we aremade heires, but not fo borne : fo as this inheritance belongeth properly vnto Chrift the naturali fonne,the heire,and firft borne ofmany brethren:and confequently throughhim communicated vntovs,who are tonnes bya- eloption:Ioh.r.z 2.whefoeuerreceiued him, to them begame power, that is,