Taylor - Houston-Packer Collection BS2755 .T394 1619

Epißlleof&. Paul to Titan. is, right, title, prero;atiue, to beethe fannes of God. Now if we would diflin6tly know the manner and meanes ofourtitle , in a word this it is: All the right of our fonnefhipis by Chrifl, for the foundation of it is Gods loue embracing men inhis beloued,who becing thenaturall fonnc ofGod,mufl becomeour brotherbytaking our flefh, that therein we being voicedvuto him,might alto after a fort be vnited vnto theFather, and thebleffed fpirit: the which vnion,becaufe it could neuer be knit fo long as our finnes were in fight, neceffarily inour flefh muli the Sonne ofGod giuehimfclfevpvnto the death to fatisfie the iuflice of his Fa- ther,to remooue all the guilt and curfc ofour fin , and to give vs belee- ning inhim perfeet righteoufncffe : that thus beeing iuflified,wemight becomeheires no otherwife,chen ifwe had been borne ofGod himfelfe: and that thus by Iefus Chril beeing fet again into the liberty of formes, the inheritance might as certainly belong votovs,as it doth.to himfelfe becing the naturali Sonne. Thus we fee howwe come tobeheires, now if we would knowe of what we are heires , the teat tellethvs, of life eternal!: which what it is, becaufe it htandeth in immediate fellowfhip and coniun6lion with God, we are not able to cóceiue,for it neuer coned into the heart ofman.This weknowof it,that being the elateofthe el eûwithGodhereafter,that beleeuers haue aright vino;t,yea and by faith haue entred into Tome part and degreeof it already,hauingreceiued as it werea turfe co affure themofthe poffeflionofthe whole. It is called life, which is the moll precious chinoaman candelire, farre aboue goods,and lands, or any o- cher comfort: Satan Paid that throne for sbinne, andall that euer a man lob 3.4. bath willhe glue for his (even natural] ) hie. And eternal!, Hcb.9. 1 S. oftbe eternal! inheritance: 1.Pet.r.4. an anheritance which is immortal!, vndeftled : it bath indeed in regard ofthe godly a beginning, but it hash no ende,for itfaleth not away ,but is refereed in the heauens :neuer was there filch an inheritance vpon earth; for as it fallethnot by the deathof our father asothers doe,fo it faileth not vs.byour owne death , but we are thereby rather put into more full elate of it. And becaufe if it were anuncomfortable life, the continuance of it were the greateft mifery of it,thert ; Fore elfewhere t heScripture calleth it Paradife,aplace ofall de- Lek,=343, light &pkafure,yea where theSaints enioy fulnesof pleafures at Gods right hand,alluding to that paradifeplacedby Gods own baud, comake it a delight for the innocent efface of man. And ,.Abrahams bafome,, Luk., .s. wherein the Saints receiue flefhing : which is a borrowed fpeach taken from fathers,whom as they carrying and chetithing their little ones in . their bofome: cuco fo the ele6t freed from themiferies of the world , are cherithed as in the befotneofthe father of all the faithfull. And the ioy of ,._ CHAP.2,, 7. .- 673 The ciuill law accouutcth th; heire,and him that lomaketh him but one ec the tame per. Ion.