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CHAP. 3.7. t.4Cotsarnentarie upon the 674 1 ofthe Lord, intowhich the faithfull feruant (hall enter :And for the glo_ Matth.s5sr. ryof this eflate, Paul can (carte tell how to expreifeit, but calleth it Eph.r.t8. the riches of theglorie of the inheritance: it is called a kingdome of Match=5.34. the Father prepared for his children, andneuer was there fuch a king- dome wherein all the fubiedls are kings and heires ofthe whole, and all ofthem partakers of the fame incorruptible crowns ofglorie , as here they be. t .Pet. 5.4. Secondly, theprefent tenure of this inheritance is by hope: for our inheritance is not fo much let beforeour bodilyeies, as the eyes ofour faith, which is not of things prcfcnt,but ofthings to come. And yet al- though itbe an ellate to come, the Lord would not leaue vs without fuch graces as beeing contterfant about it, might ferue vs in this life to retaine our hold and comfort therein : fuch as are faith, hope, and paci. ence. Now hope fignifiech two things, t.the thing hoped for , Rom.8. 24. hope which is feene is not hope. Eph. t, i 8. what is the hope of the calling. 2. For thegift whereby we hope and expel good things pro- !mifed: and this mutt of neceflityhere bemeant , becaufe life eternall of which we haue fpoken,is the thing hoped for. This grace bath the Lord for our incouragementand comfort in and for the (late ofthis lifeonely put into the hearts of his ele& , that they might hereby haue acertaine hold and expe&ationofall that goodwhich Godof his mercy through the merit ofhis Chrifl bath promifed : the which !hall ccafe when they come once to fee that which they now hope for : feeing hereafter can be no hope, not in heauen , for the godly (hall enioye all bleffedneffe their hearts can with ; not in hell, for the damnedcan neuer hope for any good. DoEtr. The bleffedcondition which the ele& are railed vnto,beeing onceabfolued from finne, is, tohaue the lariuiledges of Gods children, Peal rrq.7 a and to become heires ofeternal) glory. This honour haue all his Saints, whom he raifeth from the dull and dunghill tofet them among Princes:and the reafon is becaufe he bath giuen them his Sonne, in withmerits for their righteoufnes:hehath giuen them thegift of faith,which is thevery portall ofheauen; and the graceofhope, which is as a flaffe to vphold them onto the end of their pilgrimage. ThedoRrine beeing the very wordsof theApoflle here and in fo manyplaces , we will rather labour Eternal lire be- , in the excellent vfe,then in the further proofe of it. ing an inhcri. ' trfe. t. That which the Apoflie fpecially aimethat , is that heauen tantt mufì is not merited, but a free gift :limit is called eternal/ lie, which is the needs s be moil ofGod, Rom.6. 23. It is called here an inheritance, in that the ele& are called heyres : it is againfl the natureofan inheritance to come any waybut by freegift : legacies we know are moil. free without defert, without